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Everything posted by Solitude

  1. Solitude

    Trading some weapons/items.

    Sounds reasonable! Add me on Skype - bboy.jakey Please add me on skype!
  2. I found a great private hive, haven australia. It has custom vehicles and buildings, great and dedicated community, and mature staff. You need to be whitelisted to play, so head over to their homepage and play today! :D I'll see you there!
  3. So yeah I just found and bought this. My guess is I'll be shot very soon.
  4. Solitude

    Be jealous. Be very jealous.

    Well it was beans but close enough.
  5. If I need food and drinks I always look at every loot spot, but if I'm looking for a ghillie or something I always go to the heli crash sites. :)
  6. Solitude

    Wait for Stand Alone DayZ?

    Personally I like both the mod and (from what I've seen so far) the standalone. I have nothing against WarZ, but it looks like a bit of a ripoff of DayZ. Just saying.
  7. Solitude

    Super Bandit + Dressed Up!!

    That thread gave me cancer.
  8. I really recommend you try out Haven Australia! It has an extremely reliable admin, great staff, and a mature, dedicated community. It now has custom buildings and vehicles, so head over to their homepage to get whitelisted! See you there! :D
  9. Solitude

    A10.PBO error :/

    Then I recommend changing to DayZCommander. It's much easier to use. :)
  10. Solitude

    Cheat found

    No need to report this, these are everywhere now. Wait for standalone.
  11. Solitude

    looking for team

    Aaand that's where you lost me.
  12. Solitude

    A10.PBO error :/

    Assuming you're using DayZCommander, go to the install/update tab and select DayZ. Re-install it and tell me if that helped. :)
  13. Solitude

    About Stand Alone, any news?

    Also DayZgame.com <- Some info, latest screenshots, etc.
  14. I think you may be playing on different hives by accident. In future, if you're using DayZCommander, try selecting the 'Hide unofficial' option - That way you'll only be playing on servers with the official hive. :)
  15. Solitude

    New Vehicles to DayZ

    I'm sure in standalone there will be more vehicles, most definitely at least one plane. Rocket knows how strong the medical community of his mod is so I think an ambulance may be implemented as well! Nice suggestion! :D I'm really excited for the standalone, or at least the next update! This game will be a revolution in the scene, I'm just gonna say that before it happens. :)
  16. Solitude

    Aussies, Kiwis, We're Bored.

    I recommend you try Haven Australia. It's an amazing Aussie server with a great community and the best admins I've ever met. Highest quality anti-hacks, dedicated and mature community. Did I mention the custom buildings and vehicles? It's truly a great server! :D To get whitelisted, head to their homepage, which can be found here! Register and then make a whitelist app, it's as simple as that. I'll see you there!
  17. Solitude

    Trading some weapons/items.

    Still trading and fully stocked! Skype is bboy.jakey
  18. Solitude

    Trading some weapons/items.

    Still trading and fully stocked! Skype is bboy.jakey
  19. Solitude

    Be jealous. Be very jealous.

    Nah, I'm good with my heli. :P
  20. Solitude

    Good Guy Namalsk

    I think there will be remakes, and I certainly hope they'll be as good as the user-made maps. I doubt that user based maps would ever not be a feature too, as DayZ will be a very community-based game.
  21. Solitude

    Can't access Namalsk

    Update your version, or look in the server name. It should be something like this - DayZNamalsk - ( More random settings) If the version displayed on there is not what yours is on your mod, then it will not connect properly. To change your mod version, go to the install/update tab on DayZCommander and select DayZ, make sure your version is the same as the server. If not, either downgrade your mod from to 1.7.3, or find a different server with the correct version. Usually it's in the name.
  22. Solitude

    Day Z Patches

    I constantly downgrade and upgrade my DayZ code. Not really a problem apart from when you are swapping to a server where it can become an annoyance. Haven't encountered any real issues yet, so you should be fine. :)
  23. Solitude

    Just how bad are hackers?

    It varies. Sometimes hackers will get you things, sometimes they'll kill you, sometimes they do incredibly annoying things (the thunderdome) and yeah. I find that usually if there is a hacker you don't know about it. Experience as server admin has helped me learn to detect them, and usually they don't bother people too much.
  24. Solitude

    Other maps.

    I'm very fond of Fallujah. It's fantastic, and a variety of vehicles add to the fun factor. I guess it's all a matter of personal choice, but that's most definitely my favorite. :)
  25. Solitude


    Especially ATV's. They are extremely annoying to repair! Also buses are quite difficult too. Happy repairing! xD