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About BilL_ita

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. LOL sorry guys, I'm Italian and I did not want to meddle in your policy ... we have our problems: D The translator has translated so I
  2. I agree with you, all players should start as now, then in the course of the game and their actions define their gameplay (a bit 'as is happening now with the bandits)
  3. I'm not saying that it would be nice to play with the factions, the idea is to create 4 different archetypes styles of play. The faction of the bandits would not have such bonus malus but instead of killing and plunder because it is the nature of the bandit. Vice versa for the red and blue faction (which embody the democratic and authoritarian forms of government), it would be unseemly kill civilians instead have a vision of cooperative play and pointed to 'kill only zombies. As for the two archetypes that affect the teams red and blue, I'd like to open a discussion about which behaviors should take the community, which inevitably would be created after an apocalypse zombie.
  4. You could enter all 4 factions for differentiating style of play, for example: Militia - blue Republicans - red Bandits-green Pve players - White Inserting four different types of skin, the player faction would be able to easily recognize and then you always have natural enemies or allies With this division could punish with greater ease, statistics in hand, players who do not respect their side, for example in the case of team kill dimunuendo or increasing the value that we call humanity today. The punishment may be the most varied, such as a lower amount of blood if the value is humanity drops too. We can also assume that the four factions may have natural enemies that if you increase killed humanity and neutral factions that do not change, for example: Militiamen vs republicans PvE players VS bandit I think this could be a solution to stem a bit 'the current situation, which sees an all against all wild when in fact the game should reward the teamplay. Thanks for letting me read Bill