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Everything posted by grouchomax90

  1. Next installed "ArmA II" and lastest beta patch, when i start the game next 5-6 seconds the game crash and "Error Direct3D 9 Graphical Engine" error appeared why? How i can solve this problem? (sorry bad english but i'm italian)
  2. grouchomax90

    Error Direct3D 9 Graphical Engine

    Yes, now work but my friends launch the arma2oa.exe situated in expansion/beta folder and i can't join in theirs server
  3. grouchomax90

    Error Direct3D 9 Graphical Engine

    Don't Work :(
  4. grouchomax90

    Error Fixes

    Error creating Direct3D 9 Graphical Engine How i can solve this error?
  5. grouchomax90

    Error Direct3D 9 Graphical Engine

    Please i need help!