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Everything posted by finkone

  1. finkone


    No thanks on the skill or doc system, everyone will just pick solider.
  2. This ^^^^^^ Seems like half you other guys are coming out with lame ideas and trying to turn this shit into WoW... I want to worry about staying alive, not picking a solider to find more weapons loot so I can kill you guys and invest in a fast reload, double mag, double damage perk. The masses will ruin this game if Rocket doesn't pick his implements carefully, and doesn't stay focused on the disorientation he and I AM SO IN LOVE WITH.
  3. finkone

    Couple of moronic logic's that should be fixed.

    I say again - you will not make it 3 hours with a ruck on your back moving as fast as our characters do. NO WAY, I don't give about a fat person or a PT stud break-down. You lost your sense of credit from me (not that it matters on the internet anyways) when I saw that statement. That is a joker statement. Even on a nice chilly day, with a freakin' hat on, light vest, and a light pack like our characters have, at their speed - they will need water more then once every 3 hours. Thats the drugs I think you're on when you come back and try to second that. I can run forever and still not need much water... or better yet the ability to keep hydrated using pepsi and coke is still amazing all in itself. And that a person CAN GO - is retarded. YOU ARE NOT SITTING IN THE WOODS WITH YOUR CHARACTER STATIONARY ALL DAY WHILE YOU PLAY DAYZ - unless you are a cherno/lectro troll sniper - but even then, before that you surely had to hunt for gear. My main point is - and I'll go over a summary. Ok the water thing You stated the water system is lame and that a person doesn't need to drink every 3 hours - got it. Correct. I say thats crazy, because 90% (sure not a real statistic, whatever) of the DayZ population is under constant rucking constraints (by choice) while they play - or else it would be CampingZ not DayZ. Ok now the food thing. You say a person CAN GO 5 days without eating - right, roger, got it sgt. I SAY Rangers (WHO WILLINGLY GO TO GET THEIR RANGER TABS) eat entirely less then they want to, again, WILLINGLY - for the school, and if they dog'd them like we dog our characters in DayZ - again, EXTREME SURVIVAL situation, the amount of calorie intake from a MRE (twice a day) often ranging from 1400 - 1700 (depending on the MRE) per ranger candidate is not enough to keep them going, its only enough to test their heart and let them know what real sleep derivation, and a faultering body feels like. I bet that one can of beans we eat, or a simple steak got 1400 - 1700 calories... So with that said - I didn't miss no damn point, you did. You consider this a static survival situation when you fail to look at the amount of movements, and the over all problems these things would generate. Hell I haven't even gotten started on inflammation of the joints, water settling, stress fractures, heat exhaustion, increased risk of general illness due to strain, blisters - I should just stop myself. We got it damn good in relation to the food water ratio within the game - so maybe this time you'll get my point, or do I have to come back here again? Ego is a great tool of war. Its how fools are made heros. Survival shows done screw'd up a lot of peoples heads.
  4. finkone

    Couple of moronic logic's that should be fixed.

    This guys on drugs when it comes to the water and rucking thing. If I was moving 8 clicks (which I often do when I play DayZ, and sadly do IRL) with a heavy pack of extra crap in it, a primary, secondary, ammo, food, water, a freakin' car tire...( or radio, vector, thermals if IRL talk) Ima want me some water - and not freakin' 3 days from now because the internet says I'm good for 3. Sure if I was by a river source, setup, and using minimum energy to conduct my daily route, the water thing could be good. Then again... if I find a ghillie, or hell, if we going for the real factor, you could dehydrate yourself after 600 meters of stalking in the prone on a sunny day. I guess Army Rangers are just pussies - because they take water when they conduct a 12 miler, not sure why the army sets up water points on these things either, or why people heatcat - everyone should be good for 3 days man. Try just running your entire ruck, turn the heat up man... I don't know why they give them bastards MREs at the school every day either - I'll let the cadre know they are getting over easy and should get one every 5 days... disagree entirely with that part of your post. I do agree with your 203 vs the M9 SD - a GOOD suppressed (notice I didnt say slinced) M9 will ring out at around 130Db-ish ( w/147 grain rounds) still ... which is freakin' loud, just for wondering ears, without the SD can on, average shot noise or a unsuppressed M9 is 160 Db-Ish... I might own one, I might know this for sure. The 203 ( I don't own one. ;( ) I know is loud, but not that loud. Often the guys get confused about the Db put off by one of these guys are the clowns that have only fired practice rounds... which sound cute. Regular HE/HEDP got a nice bang (leaving the barrel, and impact of course). My over all opinion though is that you are some what right to complain about this. So in your post... my common opinion on your list, the ones I didnt reply to are in general known annoying problems. The other ones ain't talked about as much... Feel free to try and butcher my reply as you've been doing with everyone else - I don't give a shit. ;) Edit: for typos, I always find them after I post... -.-
  5. finkone

    Hide tents offline

    Lets make vehicles and helos disappear after 2 hours, because I store gear in them also and I've worked hard to fix them up. Hell no - this sounds dumb. I like the backpack idea - this though, man I've had a boat load of crap stolen from me - its the way the game works...
  6. Arma 2 is worth owning on its own if you like a military simulator, DayZ is worth playing because it will supply you with a heart-pumping-I-need-to-spot-him-I-hear-his-foot-steps-Im-so-scared-I-dont-want-to-loose-my-beans feeling that I have NEVER had in any other game... and I've been in war-zones IRL... Now with that said consider 2 things. 1) When the standalone releases, it might not work 100% correctly or all the time at first, as with any other popular game (Diablo 3 anyone?) I know for one I'll be using DayZ MOD as a crutch if this happens. 2) They are really, really, really - on the fence lately it seems in regards to launching DayZ standalone this year, they are currently playing around with the final pre-alpha-launch and should be addressing us within a week or so to tell us if we gonna get to play DayZ standalone a few weeks before the end of the world... or if its getting pushed to the right (released at a later date) I still play the mod daily - I only needed Arma II Operation Arrowhead... Largely populated servers expect to see a troll hacker come in, and you'll die or get teleported and the last 3 hours of your hard work are gone, but they are like terrorists man - don't let'em change the way to play, don't get attached to gear, play for the entertainment value. If you do buy and download the mod - locate yourself a private hive server with a good admin (check the forums) and you'll see... I know right now you are asking WTH is a private hive? I'll explain below because I played DayZ for a few months before really understanding this. Public Hive = DayZ mod OFFICIAL hive - any offical server you play on you'll log in at the same location and have the same gear you found. Private Hive = DayZ private server - if you log into any other server you won't have the same gear on another. You need to keep playing that server. Private Community Hive = DayZ private servers that are connected together and you can play on all servers with this branding (for example, all DayZ.ST servers that are community hives - are linked together but in general these are passworded and protected from the regular population) Community Hive = Same as above - simply not passworded, not offical hives, but still connected to several other servers that you can log onto in the same location and same gear. Games like crack - you'll get a retarded buzz after a kill, or surviving a near death, and then you'll be coming down hard after moving 6 clicks of lonely wood jogging. Thats why hackers are goofy, they don't get it, they will never get the full rush that DayZ can offer from playing legitimate, because they are worthless, the sweet hackzer items they spawn'd in have no value to them. Either way Arma 2 will get your feet wet to DayZ, give the ability to check out its endless mod world as I'm sure someone else stated.
  7. finkone

    Pc turns off sumone please help

    ... get some compressed air at least to clean it - don't go spitting all over your machine. Just put a new Power supply, RAM, and GPU in mine the other day - owned this thing for 1 year, second cleaning - CPU and GPU was GUNKED UP with dust...
  8. Only downside of a zombie aggro keeping a bot in place on the event of a DC, or power out-age not only will you be worried if your character is still alive at all, but it is a circumstance that is uncontrollable and legitimate on the users part... I know it would be nice, but some poor soul out there (most likely me) would get a DC (DSL) or a power out-age (live in the sticks) and then I'd be up shits creek for a very flaw'd reason.
  9. finkone

    Go Home DayZ, You're Drunk.

    Luckily I saw your post when I was 29 seconds into the video - so I only lost perhaps 35 seconds of my life total making this post and watching this .... video.
  10. finkone

    CD/Serial key is in use

    Most likely the registry key for the accounts got set as the same one on both computers - thus telling the public hive that you are attempting to use the same CD key. Even if Steam states otherwise sometimes the registry key remains the same. I'll look real quick for the tutorial on how to fix this out - if I can find it. I'll do a edit.... standby. Not saying this is the problem, simply saying this is what I think it might be... Edit: Link found to tutorial - might solve your issue - if you have 2 completely different keys (meaning for one computer you bought ARMA II OA, and same thing on the other. Along with having to separate Steam Accounts.... which from what you said it sounds like this is the case...?). http://dayzmod.com/f...ared-computers/
  11. finkone

    Need NVGs in Exchange for (This Part is Negotiable)

    Some of these setup encounters can be half the fun themselves - even though its lame using a outside game source to set them up, it is very interesting when a trade goes sour... and very nerve racking when it goes good. Either way - its all about the entertainment value they can provide for me sometimes, even if I do get teleported and killed 5 minutes later...........
  12. finkone

    To the people of US 47

    Note to self - stay off 47... -.-
  13. finkone

    US east player, looking for people to run with

    You in the service?
  14. I do like the SMK animations - they are sweet looking, nice find. I also like the idea of combat reloads - being able to drop the mags. Perhaps - since we are talking about combat reloads if players could find a dump bag, which is what a lot of guys that do that kind of reload have, you simply throw the half-empty of close to empty mag in your butt-bag for later use... we don't like to leave mags or have to look for them after we steam roll some brats that wanted to ambush us... Those are the only ideas that got my attention that I think are decent. Using a CCO (reddot) with boy eyes open is a good rule of thumb, since it is a free floating optic you'll be able to just put the red dot on the target and squeeze the trigger, that is if you not left eye dominate - entirely different story with a ACOG, since it not a free floating optic, and the same cheek-to-stockwell should be maintained for each shot, to get the same point of aim point of impact. Having the other eye open is a method of just finding your next target - and then closing it again to take the shot. a ACOG is not a CCO optic system by design, and is hard to use close range and thus this method should be used... due to the magnification mainly. Just wanted to clear that up...
  15. Yea from what I've heard in the videos with Q&A from the crowd - he planed to add some type of system where players over time grow facial hair, start to grey - but off the top of my head this is the only real thing I've heard, the video is a few months old now, and things can change very rapidly from a goals related scheme of things at this point of development. I'm not bashing you at all bro I support ideas, and more original character progression over time so not everyone is running around in a blue baseball cap even if they are on day 60 of surviving. Kinda excited for the new clothing system that will be implemented over time - You'll find me in the Cherno Clothing Shop doing my XMAS shopping for myself if all goes well this year. Can't wait to log onto Steam and see "DayZ Standalone Alpha!" - I'd buy the damn thing for 60 bucks US money, I've already gotten way more then 60 dollars worth of entertainment out of this bad-ass mod. I just hope they don't remove any of the ballistics - such as each weapon having a real MOA, the audio crack of the round breaking the sonic by your ears, then hearing the shot ring out 1.3 seconds later giving you a general idea of distance and direction - it just gets me hard man...lmfao. I would like to see a over all list generated at some point by Mr. Rocket to detail what they've removed functions wise from the old engine to the new standalone version - (bash if you want guys saying its not a new engine, in my eyes it is.). What I love most about the Arma II engine is some of the audio - bombs sound like bombs, and guns sound like guns - and they behave well - Unlike that cartoon ass game called WarZ. ;)
  16. ... But it wouldn't be, not in a survival situation... Hey Old TImer (032125) - I think I know what 3 months you are referring to in regards to a drastic weight drop. ;) I'm not saying you'd have to give your character a exercise break, and not play the game - I'm simply saying that the game is enjoyable because it takes only a few bullets to kill a foe, because you've got to terrain feature reference, because there isn't perks that I have to pick for my character every month. I'm not saying "Rocket please make the best survivor simulator you can - I want to find boots and break them in." No man, I am however saying I don't want my old fart of a broken down character to be faster then a fresh young buck on the shore. I think it'd be a thrill to attempt breaking contact from a larger group that wants my items, and be a slower individual rather then a huge PT stud because during the end of the world I still managed to find time to fit in recreational workout plans over survival. It would even give them new guys a twist of being the more able predator physically if it was done vise-versa of what you are requesting to be honest. Besides - from some of the videos I've seen Rocket talking in, or posts... hes drop'd hints of possibly making it so OLDER characters are more susceptible to infections and things such as HEP C. (Note my last sentence is unconfirmed, and just popping out of my head from memory.) My thoughts are - I'm a army guy, that was in the middle of a hilly ass place that just grows drugs, I rucked around all night, and ate food all day and whatnot, I'm extremely tired, broken down, and could use a break - over a month ago.
  17. finkone

    L85 Should it stay or go

    GITFO! If you reduce the thermal thats not realistic in the first place. Thermals are bad ass IRL - ain't no current, common tech way around them. People carry them WITHOUT AMMO, WASTING 10 SLOTS IN THEIR BACKPACK, just as a spotting tool - that speaks volumes on its own.
  18. finkone

    L85 Should it stay or go

    I know a place to find 34 Thermal Optics in case of a break out IRL. This is to include the PAS-13B, PAS-13D(V)1, 2, and 3 series... :X You asked. I can also know where to get PVS-14s, and PVS-7B's, along with PVS26's that would be attached to M110 weapons system... and yes - like Cherno, I'm located close to a military installation.
  19. Question 6 - I'm going to start with a direct requote of this, because I completely disagree with it. Not the over all idea of the statement - but because I'm in the Army, and I know rucking. "6. Character progression: Any thoughts on character progression? Again I'm sorry if this has already been covered. I just know if I was rucking around at 4mph for a few months and I'm well fed..I'll be able to up my speed/distance/weight. If I'm not well fed.. well...it'll slow me down, I'll get the shakes, dehydrated, atrophy..lots of bad bad things." Continued stressful rucks such as what we put our character through - each time I play, in general I'll end up moving 10 clicks or so - if I did this for several months, even with good broken in boots, and I was well fed, and was well slept, you would still tear your body down, your feet down, your joints. You wouldn't see stamina improvement from this type of thing. ;) I know. To often me and my army buddies are playing... and (forum mods forgive the language) we can't help but say things such as this to each other over coms... "Man - Bro, I can hear you breathin realllllll heavy with that 240B - I bet your sucking a bid ol' dick." "Wow, it sure would be nice to be running this fast up hill with a freakin' car engine in my backpack man." "Dude - why can't I fill my fkin' water up with rain water?" (Sorry - had to throw that one in there, not really related) Google a medium ALICE pack on google, head out and start out slow - do you a 4 miler, 6 miler, 8 miler, then a 12 miler with at least 45LBs. Once you attempt you're 12 miler - time it. If you can't complete it in 2 hours and 30 mins ish time - your character in DayZ would already SMOKE the hell outta you IRL. Now once you wake up the next day - tell me how your legs feel, lemme know if your feet managed to stay dry and not rub, and lastly tell me that you've thinked you improved your over all physical ability. The one thing I did like about ACE/ACRE is the weight system of the rucks and the ability to heat-cat. I'm not trying to bash you at all for your post - I tried to be helpful, but just wanted to state that I fully disagree with any type of "my characters been alive longer, and thus is better." mentality to the game. If anything he should be able to catch sickness easier for having to live under harsh living conditions for a prolonged period of time. Hope I was helpful.
  20. Steams not bad - I hear bad things about their anti-cheating, but thats all I hear... is bad things, I've never seen bad things. I used steam all the time, and have a few accounts with him. Steam makes it painless to get the product you want when you want, and updating is no problem. Steam is rarely down for maintenance.
  21. Ahhh - fresh air. Even if no pics or videos have been posted, I must say its nice to be informed for a possible slip, what to expect, how it will be released - and just see that they are all still alive. Ty Rocket.
  22. Well you sum'd it up pretty well yourself. There is no endgame is what I'm seeing stated over and over in the same related PVP threads. Rocket is working on adding a lot more dynamics to the game - once you've got all the gear you want, there isn't a whole lot left to do... As for the shoot on sight thing - man thats how it really would be if this kind of thing happened. Sure - not everyone would shoot on sight, there would be a select group that wouldn't - but in general, if you take your average person, remove their hope, get them cold, hungry, wet and tired - if they are armed... they will in general terms most likely attempt to kill anyone with anything of worth over them. If you think I'm wrong - YouTube some of them black Friday Walmart crowd tapes. I seen people biting each other and a total break down of social structure over a sale or free item... They weren't hungry, or tired, or wet.
  23. finkone

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    This - I played both for a bit, DayZ more - because its better. To much pisses me off about WarZ, animations are lame as hell for a "standalone", the ability to buy water and food and eqp using IRL money - lame. I mean it will have its own twist - but as of a few weeks ago when I got completely bored with it once your weapon ran out - drop it for another, because magazines ain't a real thing in WarZ yet... I'm just saying...
  24. finkone

    Server US 1154

    Same boat as OP, been searching for a minute. None, well - one car that you can tell was caught up in a ambush...