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Everything posted by GodOfDayZ

  1. Hey guys, Looking for a fresh group of guys to play with my previous has simply dwindled down to two of us fully geared sniping newbies. Well, it's gottin old I can play any map and most servers and would like atleast I don't know.... 4-6 more people to play with? I have skype and teamspeak preferably skype though. I usually shoot first ask questions later so if that's not your thing sorry xD
  2. GodOfDayZ

    Looking for a semi-decent group.

    Alright man I tossed you a skype fr
  3. GodOfDayZ

    I Can't Keep Playing Like This

    Aye I know the feeling mate, but most of the time shit happens ya'know? I've been killed and have killed enough to know sooner or later you well feel like this then decide whether or not you truly enjoy being a bandit, i've simply followed my own rule: Shoot first questions never
  4. GodOfDayZ

    Looking for a private hive

    Hell yeah i'll be on this