Server Name: DE MY31 Timezone: GMT Date/Time: 09/11/12 - 11:47 PM Server Administrator's : zEro and Update What did the Admins do ? - They teleported himself to us, killed a few of us and after killing them they respawned at their dead bodies. I played with my friends on this server, we (5 players) stopped with our cars in a town for looting , after 3 minutes two persons spawned direct behind us. They killed one of us and we killed both of them, 1 minute later they spawned at their own dead bodies but they were equipped from the beginning. We fought a long time they had luckily no god mode so it was possible to kill them. After a while they probably just had no more desire and banned one of us. We joined on their teamspeak server to discussed with them, they said they can do anything they want because it would be their own server. Here are the screenshots were you can see that they have cheater equipment. Thank you for reading my report