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Everything posted by h3xxus

  1. Yah my Dart/Rcon seems to crash the server everytime upon connect. Is there a way to fix this?
  2. So the server my clan is running seems to have a problem. Seems when everyone dies they simply just respawn in the same spot, with the same gear they had. I also noticed the arm2oaserver.rpt and HiveExt.log files are climbing in size. Seems the rpt may be resetting upon server restart though. But the HiveExt.log is up to 1.5gigs... We'r on hive version 8.0.0 so Im pretty sure thats the latest. I cant think of anything else to do to fix this problem. Any assistance would be appreciated.
  3. No one has a fix for this? :(
  4. US264 has sidechat enabled actually...
  5. 31.10.2012 14:27:47: (xx.xx.xx.xx.xxx) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - #118 "qf" private ["_amm"]; _amm=_this select 4; _this call (call compile GetText (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _amm >> "muzzleEffect"))" 31.10.2012 14:27:47: (xx.xx.xxx.xxxx) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - #118 "qf" private ["_amm"]; Never seen this before until today.. Thoughts? Ideas? BTW, this was spammed in the scripts log ALLOT. (Edit) NVM, this is the muzzle flash form the m240 off the side of the Helicopter. Or at least I think thats the case...
  6. Lemme see if I can deliver my rebuttal to said statements... I've read the posts. Obviously... The tool may not detect ALL hacks possible, sure... but it's better than what admins have at the time being. If this tool were used by admins to "gain advantage" than that said admin is a looser. HONEST admins would use it for good, and wouldn't you prefer an admin finding your camp rather than a hacker who intends to blow your said camp up? "Everything that this tool can identify as a speculative hack can be outright detected in the logs" This statement made me laugh a bit... 90% of the hacks out there are near impossible to catch in the logs, ESPECIALLY teleporting. Teleporting isnt in the logs because the game simply just considers you moving from one point to another, as if running. The time it takes to get from one side of the map to the other side means NOTHING to the server. Simply put, if you want to catch more hackers (which this video proves is possible) then this should be released for those who want to protect their servers even more. And everything Prolithium said is spot on. The mans a genius... I still think if you're against this being an admin tool, then your probably just running scared "O no, they can WATCH us hacking now? This cant be good" or your just severely misinformed. "Id rather risk an admin abusing it and just remove them as admin then have a hacker i cannot stop." <----WELL SAID
  7. I understand some people would use this as a runaround hack yes, but if this were to be limited to use, maybe make it server side only, then it would be an excellent tool for admins to have.
  8. So Im an admin for a server. And we'v stumbled upon an issue where someone has seemed to spawn numerous TEC Buildings. The server is unstable as well, being that it seems only 1 or two people can connect. We've updated the server to the current version, we'v done a restart server, and still the buildings are there. And it's also impossible to loot things/tents/etc. Is there anything besides a new instance id that we can do about this? Any help would be appreciated...
  9. All you hackers are runnin scared! Scared of admins having this tool? I say release it to the public. Give the admins ability to keep tabs on people. If its a true honest admin he/she wont abuse it, and if its not a honest admin then watch the server die. I sit in front of my computer screen watching/reloading scripts, remoteexec, createvehicle, and other etc logs pass by jus for the sheer winningness of catching a hacker. With this ability admins would finally have the ability to catch them in the act. When an admin bans a legit hacker theres no better feeling... MAKE IT SO! Maybe even make it manditory on global chat saying something like "This server is spectated/monitored". That way people can decide if they want an admin spectating or not, With this, people will join a server, see the message and have reassurance that they have a guardian angel/admin on their side.