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Posts posted by deadleaves

  1. Me and my good friend LownlyBot was playing on this server and were walking around in elektro. All of a sudden cars spawned on top of each of us. Killing my friend but leaving me alive as I was crawling. And in the chat we could see that 4 people died at the very same time. After picking up vital things from my friends body I disconnected to avoid being killed myself from the same thing happening again.

    To note was that it seemed to be fully functional cars. I didnt get into one in fear of getting banned or something. But they did not look like the car wrecks you can find and repair. It was some kind of military cars.

    Place: Elektro

    Time: ~15:05 CET

    Server: SESUK1

  2. Date/Time:

    2012-05-27 around 16:00

    What happened:

    I logged onto a server and got the gender selection screen, I chose female and then the server went down and i didn't get in.

    Where you were:

    I was southwest near the railway bridge close to the ocean.

    What you were doing:

    I just spawned.

    *Current installed version:

    1.6.0 Dayz

    ArmA 2 Beta 93160

    *Server(s) you were on:

    Some EU server.

    *Your system specs:

    intel Core i7 620m

    8GB DDR3

    ATI radeon 5650m 1GB DDR3

    *Timeline of events before/after error:

    1-Logged into a server

    2-Chose to have my character female.

    3-Server went down

    4-Joined a different server

    5-Still a male. (Tried more than one server to check the gender, male on all servers)
