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About Fraemi

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    On the Coast
  1. Fraemi

    Green mountain...

    I like little myths since they spice the game up beyond the formulaic: "get gun->get better gun->get stuff->do whatever" with murdering in between, so I decided to go there one day after raiding NWAF southern barracks, during nighttime so that it's more interesting. I also play alone nearly always. Found a bunch of civ tier loot piles in the tower, circled the entire compount inside and out, looked across the forest from the tower to see if I could see anything and... nothing, just nothing. I wish I could spice it up with something, but being the cynical myself, I can't force myself to put out a blatant lie like some before have.
  2. Fraemi

    Experimental test patch

    When could the "finalized" (or if it will even still be that) be coming out?