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Everything posted by Quanoy

  1. Quanoy

    DayZ Origins: Looking for group!

    I'm looking for some guys to play with too so maybe we can play together and try to find some more people to play with. I'm from the Netherlands (GMT +1) and I'm 16 and a half years old.
  2. Quanoy

    Looking for a small group 2-3

    Skype: blowy1990 Age: 16 Gender: Male 1-10 rate on your expertise on DayZ: 10, played for 1,5 years now Are you fun: I think so? Write a little about yourself: I'm Joey, from Holland and I like to play games with some friends ;)
  3. Online Alias: Alpha Real Name: Joey Age: 16 Skype Username: blowy1990 Where are you from: Holland How long have you been playing DayZ: 8-9 months Tell me a bit about yourself (hobbies, interests, any other games you play, etc): Love to play soccer with some friends. About gaming I prefer competitive/e-Sports with some fun of course :)
  4. Starting a group of 5 people! Hi, I'm Joey, 16 years from The Netherlands and I'm looking for some players to play on some Private Hives, and maybe some deathmatch servers if it is busy there. First, answer these questions: Age (15+): Where are you from (Europe): From 1-10, how experienced are you: What will you do if you die in a gunbattle: Can you follow orders and tactics: How long do you play dayz: Other stuff about yourself: Do you have a mic and skype: If i think you are one of those other 4-5 people, i will PM you with my skype. ~Quanoy
  5. Quanoy

    Starting a group of 5 people!

    For those who are living in the US, can't play with you guys just because of the timezones. Thanks everyone for the replies and the squad is full right now.
  6. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/105757-starting-a-group-of-5-people/ For everyone who is looking for a group :)
  7. Check this topic; http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/105757-starting-a-group-of-5-people/ If you want to join, first tell me where you are from and you are good to go in a fun group :)
  8. Hi. I'm a 16 years mature guy from The Netherlands. Looking for a group people to play to have some fun. Have a akm with a AS50 but i don't care to die, it's about time. :) Hopefully i can play with you guys tomorrow or something. ;)