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About dumbidea

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    On the Coast
  1. Looking for a guy to play video games on the weekends and record and make videos and post it on youtube!! Starting a new youtube chanel from the ground up arma 2 oa & arma 2 League of legends Garrys mod Chivalry medieval warfare Red Orchestra 2 Those are my favorite games to play if you have any or are interested in playing these please fill out this How old are you? What is you're favorite game? (not dayz) Would you be dedicated to make videos on the weekends? Do you have any editing skills? (not needed don't worry if you dont have any) What type of gamer are you? (Serious, Funny, A bit of both, Totally suck at gaming just have fun) MY answers 15 Arma 2 oa/garrys mod i made the post did i not? not really Funny but can be serious
  2. Hey guys i need to build a cpu with only 1500 - 1000 dollars so far i have these http://www.newegg.co...N82E16811119196 http://www.newegg.co...=Desktop-Memory http://www.newegg.co...t=Combo.1095815 http://www.newegg.co...N82E16814130768 any help on a mother board, power supply, and ssd?? not sure on those thanks :D
  3. I am looking for 3 players to record or stream with in order to play with please fill out the bottom questions :D What is your age? Are you free on the weekends in the early morning? skype name? favorite game?
  4. Average Seek Time 11 ms Rotational Speed 7200 RPM Rotation Time 8.33 ms
  5. I have been trying to play on my m17xr3 and i am having FPS issues when i play no matter what settings i have tried except very high, it stays at 15-20 fps. When i try to play it will freeze for 2-4 seconds every 15- 5 seconds depending where I am and how many zombies are around.Specs:Processor: intel core i7-2860QM CPU @ 2.50GHZ 2.50 GHZRAM: 8gbGraphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580M64bit windows 7 THANK YOU IN ADVANCE :thumbsup: :rolleyes: