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Marc (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Marc (DayZ)

  1. To all the people thinking this wouldn't be possible in Arma 2:

    Let's consider the example of a scoped Lee Enfield. You could, internally, store two weapons called something like lee_enfield_default and lee_enfield_scoped and then make lee_enfield_scoped have a right-click option of removing the scope. When the user clicks that option, the item lee_enfield_scoped is removed from the inventory, replaced by a new item lee_enfield_default and additionally, the scope is placed in the user's gear. Said scope would have a right-click option "Attach to rifle" (or the more specific option attach to Lee Enfield, if due to realism the scopes would be limited to certain weapons) that would simply remove the scope from the gear and add the lee_enfield_scoped weapon.

    Why isn't this possible right now? Checking if something is in the inventory (like that you actually have a Lee Enfield when you want to attach a scope), placing items in the inventory is possible and removing them is as well.

  2. Hey guys,

    I think it would be great if in addition to finding specific weapons around the map you could also find several upgrades for them that can be attached and detached at will. For instance, there could be a scope for specific rifles so that, depending on the situation, you could temporarily convert your trusted Lee Enfield to a sniper rifle. Suppressors are another great option which would help reduce the zombie attraction from loud noises. A more "gung ho" idea would be grenade launcher attachements for the M4 or AK.

    Additionally, it would make the loss of one of your weapons more tragic because after a while you grow more attached to your weapon of choice you even invested the effort of upgrading into and think of the exhileration when looting corpses and finding some nice upgrades for your weapon.

    Distribution of said upgrades should be fine tuned so as to avoid a constant surplus of every possible upgrade in the game just to have every player running around with a scoped automatic and silenced shotgun that shoots grenades.

    I'm not talking about a full blown weapon tuning system like in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call Of Pripyat. A very simple system where you get a small item in your inventory you can right click on to attach it to your primary/secondary weapon would be great.


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