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About Bosoxnation85

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  1. Active in letting us know? we got a Origins server from you not only is it NOT online your website is now mysteriously down? What the hell is going on over there? Very UNHAPPY with the services we run a server with Dayz.ST and never had a problem i only wish they ran Origins servers.... Awful still waiting on our TICKET a day later....
  2. Bosoxnation85

    Hotel Hack

    Unrustled Jimmies .... comes in and puts hotels everywhere cause he has nothing better to do ...
  3. 100 percent agree with you on this one... People complain and complain and complain yet come back cause its nearly hacker free... but we have black suvs on our private hive and therefor we are the devils....we also get u hoard all the vechiles.... when we have 150 plus on our server. WE PAY FOR IT we let you play on it for freeeee!!!
  4. Bosoxnation85

    found hacked weapons, should i take them?

    The serve i play on bans people for taking hacked in gear but it dosent sound like super over kill on your part if he had an as50 and say 8 nato rounds to go along with it you might be banned just for the rareity of the ammo and your duration of life
  5. Bosoxnation85

    Player playing as animal class

    Ive seen this before on a private hive hackers turning into animals some walk around and talk follow people around others can walk up and script kill you i seen a goat take out 3 helis from the ground just by being near him
  6. you said so your self it was likely a hacked vechile.... if you thought so you probly got what you deserved.....
  7. Bosoxnation85

    Avoid this server at all costs.

    i like how he said avoid this server... and dosent say which one LOL kid must be a joke sounds like he deserved to get killed and banned
  8. Bosoxnation85

    Map Coords

    i believe those are the world cords long and latitude ive heared people talking about it before but i dont know how they work i guess try and find absoulute 0 and then u can tell from there? i wish there was like a guide to these ....
  9. Bosoxnation85

    Dayz US-LA Private Hive @

    Nicra also thinks that Nato rounds are HACKED IN i was in there last night when he got smoked ahahha nato rounds are they type of AMMO 50 caliber bullets if u click on the ammo in ur clip u will see alot of rounds are infact nato rounds even DMR rounds are classified as NATO rounds... its sad
  10. Bosoxnation85

    Dayz US-LA Private Hive @

    If your getting kicked it sounds like its battle eye kicking you? i believe if you get kicked by an admin u can see the message they used to kick u like youve been kicked for or restrcition for.... As for admin hacking.... its a private hive they pay for it if u dont like it or its unfair there is 5600 other servers go find one you like better. I perfer playing on a private hive since i get hacked on a regular hive every 5 mins.