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Everything posted by snakedad

  1. snakedad

    US 1023 Ban Logs

    Master Brain, I'm gonna use your ip and guid to hack the internet and the FBI. You're going to the slammer, big boy.
  2. snakedad

    Ghillies wiping player inventory

    Putting on a ghillie suit for dummies: 1) Acquire a ghillie suit. 2) Put some shite item on the ground like glow sticks or something. 3) Mouse over the glow sticks on the ground and press G. 4) Put all your stuff on the glow stick, including your bag. 5) Put on the ghillie suit. 6) Pick up the stuff from the ground. 7) Leave the glow sticks. This will however sometimes dupe your bag, so just leave the extra one there and it should disappear on the next server restart.
  3. snakedad


    It's a texture bug. Seems to happen to at least a third of the players(EDIT: Pulled that one right out my arse though). It has been there for ages. First encountered the bug about a year ago. Looks pretty awesome.
  4. Can confirm. A member of our group got ported, so we parked out vehicles and logged to the lobby. Could see loads of people dropping.
  5. So I was just running around nwa with the group and got banned. I'm not sure which cheat(s) I'm being suspected of doing. I'm guessing the admins have no proof what so ever and I'd like my ban lifted please. In before: errmagerrd it says battleeye so it's a globalban u chet!1!! It's a local server ban issued by an admin. Wasn't recording at the time, so my only proof is that screenshot. I guess my running around skills were too much to handle for the admins. Best regards, Snakedad
  6. No worries. Thanks for letting me back in!
  7. I kinda like the server, so I don't want it to get blacklisted. Just want the admins of the server to lift my ban.
  8. I doubt they rage banned me, since I did nothing for them to rage about. I was just running along the wall at nwa. I didn't shoot any admins, nor did I steal choppers/cars etc.
  9. So we were out in the woods to the north. A helicopter flew right on top of us and landed about 500 meters away. Three guys with [ss] tags were online at the time. When we reach the helicopter, they had logged off. We steal the helicopter and fly away. A couple minutes later, we both get teleported into a bunch of zombies and I hear a couple of shots. Tap alt-f4 and log into another server. I end up just north of Dolina and start running back up to where we found the helicopter, which was gone. We ran to the spot where we were teleported from and there it is, crashed. Tried to take a couple screenshots, but seems I used the bench button instead of the screenshot button in fraps. Would appreciate if the admins of SE 6 could look into it.
  10. snakedad

    Battle from the Ground against a Chopper!

    Seems they've taken down their server aswell. It's not in the server list.
  11. snakedad

    Inventory Not Saving on Logout

    Had full gear. Logged on to a new server and everything except for my location and ghillie was gone. Tough shit.
  12. snakedad

    [Video] PvPing, looting a camp and a suprise!

    If your debug monitor is frozen, how come the zombies (alive/total) keep changing? Looks pretty shady.
  13. How did you come the conclusion that someone who fires his -or her gun and kills another player is a hacker? And someone standing next to you must be a hacker, since you were hidden. That makes no sense.
  14. snakedad

    SE 6 hackers [SS] clan

    No, but I'm not asking rocket to bring out his almighty ban hammer. I'd just like for the admins of SE 6 to look through their logs and see if those three [ss] members were up to no good. It really looked like it from where we were; Them landing their helicopter, logging off. Us stealing it and getting teleported to their execution spot not one minute later.
  15. snakedad

    Kill compilation video (PVP)

    Stop reloading when you almost have a full magazine. This is not cod. Pisses me off when people reload their weapon when they have 25/30 bullets in the clip.
  16. snakedad

    Ambushing CQF (and stealing their Ural).

    "I'm alt-f4'ing, I'm alt-f4'ing!" What a bunch of dickbags. The CQF guys should be ashamed.
  17. God you're shit at google. Took me less than 1 minute. Press start and type "run". Start the 'Run' application and type in "regedit" (without the " "). Navigate the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACINE ->> SOFTWARE ->> Wow6432Node ->> Bohemia Interactive Studios and there you will find two folders called Arma 2 and Arma " AO. There's one string in each of those called KEY. Change the content of the strings with your new serials and you're done. Try not to open ammo boxes on the beach next time.
  18. Well. It's clearly stated in the other thread the hacker in that video was called Mochi. The two guys from this thread are called Elalya & Jjaja, so no they did not get caught hacking on tape. Unless the admins can provide proof of the OP hacking I'd say bs.
  19. Tried it out for myself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYsjG9kbdlQ Definitely admin abuse.
  20. So basically I usually start my gaming sessions trying to find a day time server. After about 5 tries, I found one. As I logged on I saw 3 god damn survivors right in front of me (I was on the top floor of a 2 story barn) and mowed them all down with my cz sniper rifle. They managed to get me down to about 2k blood and in the looting craze, I accidently lost my rifle when picking up that phat lewt. That aught to have been the most exiting fire fight I've been in so far. Thanks for the bag, m4 etc. the three guys in the barn at Prigorodky.
  21. Good to know. Almost swapped the M14 for a Lee-enfield since I don't want to run around using hacked gear. I'm glad I didn't.
  22. snakedad

    GeForce GT640 Video Card

    The 640 is a pretty low end card. You can get a 550ti for the same price with much better performance.
  23. Got surrounded an hour later at a barn and by some miracle I managed to kill them both. Swapped my M4 for a M14. Been hitting jackpots with this character lately. Noticed something about the M14 aswell. On the DayZ wiki, the M14 is called 'M14 EP1', but the one in my inventory is called 'M14 Aim'. By any chance a hacked weapon?
  24. snakedad

    My character CLONES gear

    Kinda happened to me aswell yesterday. I was out hunting. Dropped the M4 CCO which I had in my bag to make room for meat, since I already had a m14. Logged out in a hunting tower for about 2 hours. When i came back again(same server) and had run around for a while I noticed my character was hungry, so I opened my backpack and my M4 was back, but all my meat aswell as my water flask was gone. Would probably have died if I hadn't aggro'd a zomboid who was packing a can of sardines.
  25. Server this happened on: RU 2 Time that it happened including your timezone: Think it was somewhere around 19:30-20:00 (think it's UTC+1, Swedish time) What happened during the incident: I was hunting roof snipers at Chernogorsk and heard flies behind me, so I went to investigate. Some dude ran right past me, stopped and aimed his enormous cannon at me, so I emptied a magazines worth of .45 into his face and then another one just for good measure. Went over to loot him and noticed he was packing an AS50 TWS. Took a coouple screenshots and went for a cup of coffe before writing the report. The name of the "cheater" is VASYA. Screenshots(large pictures, so linking instead of using img-tags): Overview picture of the body, weapon and death cause inspect: http://i48.tinypic.com/30227er.jpg Zoomed in at corpse with the TWS scope visible: http://i46.tinypic.com/34443rs.jpg A picture of his inventory window: http://i50.tinypic.com/121zdr7.png I can't prove he was the one who spawned the weapon through, but he sure was aiming it at me just before I fed him a led sandwich. Best regards, The father of snakes