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Everything posted by snakedad

  1. Bump and is there any way of getting in contact with the RU 2 server admins? Googled but to no avail.
  2. When roaming through my fraps folder after uploading the screen shots, I realized I must have accidentally tapped the record button as well so here's the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80aLeo585FU[/media]
  3. snakedad

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    33.115 ratio on the torrent, so I think I've done my part. Time to play. Yeeeeaah boy!
  4. snakedad

    I can't find any weapons!!

    OP: Starting off, just run your legs off trying to find a weapon. I don't really care if I have a 10+ zombie train, I just keep running into barns and other houses with multiple entry points until I find a weapon. Spawned outside of Balota airport and managed to get kitted with an M4, 7 mags and a revolver within the first 20 minutes of playing. Just don't be afraid of dying when you spawn, since you do not really have anything to lose at that point.
  5. snakedad

    Noob question

    Like the previous poster said, just tap the right mousebutton to aim down the sight. That goes for all the weapons. Once in ironsight/scope mode, you can also hold down the right mouse button to zoom/hold your breath. Another quick mention about the sniper rifles aswell; You can adjust the range with page up/down.