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About Grimstad

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. As I posted on the DZI forum... "I'm still digesting this, but it's a wise person that can admit they made a mistake" "If you don't own your mistakes, they will own you." That's a Grimstad original, feel free to use it folks.
  2. H, you got my beans because that truly is the funniest thing I've read in the last couple days. Even better than the first reply to your OP. "Deeds, not words" - Megaforce 1982
  3. Of all my senses, I value my sense of humor the most. Sorry you didn't get it but some people just don't.
  4. It's easy to tell who is being talked about, just go read all the posts on the DZI forum if you're really curious about the BS. Point and click tough guys that try to dominate a game with less than10 players. They talk about whos got balls and who doesn't yet they lack the courage to go find a CHALLENGING game. They live for easy prey. Why are they not playing Arma? All the zombies are is an annoyance and a great way to find where players are At least when Duke killed me he had the balls to stand up for what he did and not quietly slink off into the woods, afraid of what repercussions may arise. I can actually respect that and for him, I have NO hard feelings, not that he is the subject of any of these posts, as far as I know. Just want him to understand that if he happens to read this. This is why I don't join clans. Almost every one has AT LEAST one aHole and I refuse to be associated with them And age is in no way any indication of maturity. I've known 9 and 10 year olds who are more mature than 3/4 of the people I've encountered in online games and an 8 year old with the courage to go on to the paintball field with players 6 times his age. Talk is cheap. But tough talk on the internet? It's priceless. It's a computer game for gods sake. And the only thing you can prove is how big of a hole you are. Care Bear? Seriously? Is there something wrong with caring that the people I play with (whether I know them or not) actually enjoy themselves? And when they need help there is someone there to respond? Care Bear? Sure, why not? Though I'm more partial to Teletubbies. When I took on being a goat farmer it was out of protest. I was tired of the senseless killing and decided to just sit there and see how long it took some dickhead to come by and kill me. Then I noticed there was a livestock spawn just below me on the hill. I went and collected gear, because I hadn't bothered to till then. Built a fire then invited everyone to come by and grab some steaks. I actually enjoyed that. I brought something new and unique to the game that EVERYONE was welcome to partake of. What do you bring? And H was not alone. He was just the only one arrogant enough to come here and make a fool of himself. The rest of them decided to only do it on the DZI forum. Check it out. It really is some amusing stuff.
  5. I've just been an casual observer of whats discussed here but theres a lot more going on with these guys thats well documented in the DZI forum. But you can probably guess the rest of the story.
  6. Grimstad

    streamer using hacked guns

    Don't know why some people have such a problem with hacked guns. Throw it in your backpack with only a few spaces available and POOF. Problem solved. It's out of circulation and no one perceives you as a cheater.
  7. Had to laugh at this. The very first reply and you really kinda nailed it. I'm not familiar with your name and I've never seen or heard anyone on the Infection server referred to as James or any variation of it, so I'm betting that you just made an educated guess. Yeah, you know the type and you know the routine. When H proudly proclaimed on our forum that he had reported us on the DayZ Mod forum, no kidding my very first thought was "Great! Free advertising". I really wasn't too concerned because they are so transparent. I have never been so warmly welcomed by any internet community, as I have by The Infection folks. I have found my DayZ home. I am a relatively new addition to the family and normally would NEVER have referred to it as "OUR forum", but thats just a sign of how good my experience has been there. I'd love to name names but I know I'd leave someone out that didn't deserve to be, but Pox is #1 I have had several great, long conversations with various members in TS while I was the only one actually playing the game, and I didn't even know these people a week or so ago. THAT is what these folks are all about. I'm not there for the game, I can play that 5000 other places. I am there for the people. I'm tired and probably starting to ramble. Good night and good gaming