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About sgtjk69

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. sgtjk69

    Backpack Items Missing.

    I was at NW airfield had an enfield 6-7 mags i had medicine food water, just found a g17, alice pack, a spare makarov in my bag with 1 or 2 clips, i had lots of tools and i spawn out to have dinner and spawn back in and i have 6k health and and nothing, no guns, no ammo, no food, no water, no backpack, no tools. i know everyone says dont get close to your gear but i lost everything, not just one item.
  2. Im not saying a full scripted prologue, im saying little areas that have a small story that you can work out in your head, like a few dead bodies inside a house, doesnt say what made the dead rise, it says "something happened here" and you piece it together in your head how ever you want, it creates a little bit more depth to the scenery that all.
  3. sgtjk69

    Zomb... uhm... Priest Invasion?

    if the dude hacked, what a champ yay (sarcasm) .. its an alpha and using exploits like this take away from his in game experience, the ability to use hacks will be dramatically decreased as time goes on. as far as Burtraven and Bottle rocket and every one else who straight of the bat blamed OP. look at the link i posted, it is for you http://i.qkme.me/5r22.jpg
  4. an Implied story of the fall of humanity. I remember the first time i stumbled upon the mass grave just out side cherno, it made me think about what had the military done to try and combat the zeds, that they if they had enough time to load up the bodies and drive them out of town, they must have been cleaning up after a fight and they probably thought they won! when i walk into a town for loot, i like that there are crashed cars and road blocks, but how would it be to walk into a house and instead of it being empty and clean, it be trashed and as you walk further in and go into one of the rooms there is bullet holes all through the walls a few dead zeds on the floor in the doorway and a mangled body on the floor behind his make shift defense. he tried to survive, just like you have been doing, but didn't quite make it. im sure we can all say we have walked into a building and seen something similar from a survivor and it had an effect on us, seeing some one try their hardest to fend of a large horde to eventually be over run because of running out of ammo or just not having enough time. how about in the airfield there was a large battle against a horde of zeds, soldiers lie dead, twisted and mangled, as they were over run by the cold merciless walking dead. i'm sure as time goes on Rocket and so far there is a lot of it and he will add more of this in time and i know its purely decorative but it makes in so much more immersive to have a reason where there is mags, beans and flares in the random house. that's my opinion and i hope something comes out of it, that rocket reads this and puts it on his dayz to-do list (which i'm sure at this point is massive)
  5. can some one please post a link to the video?