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About mindspike

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. I'm looking to be an admin on someones server that gets a lot of traffic I used to run my own server, it was shut down due to funding. I'm 22 I can do pretty much anything, use NaviCat, MySQL, many other database functions, backups / rollbacks, add vehicles, spawn vehicles, setup restarts, add donations, read logs (RCON, BEC, DaRT, Gotcha), etc. I'm very active through out the week, usually play through out the evening / night. I'm 22, have skype, vent, steam, TS, etc PM if anyone is searching for a good admin, I can also bring a lot of traffic to the server.
  2. 2.) I've never had problems 3.) HFB is my host,cross hairs are on, name tags aren't at all. Log on and look before you post again
  3. 1.) The server time is set by HFB 0-24, it is set to 12 and restarts to 12 when the server restarts, doesn't effect loot at all or syncing. The old method did that's why they changed their database. 2.) Never had any problems with the server due to vehicles, the script that I use it provided by HFB to work on their server, and all of the vehicles on the map are from their database. So no problems there also. 3.) Cross hairs are on, name tags are not on at all, you can join in game and see if you like, they are all options in the HFB configs. 4.) The server was 99% hacker free when this post was made, all available aimjunkie / thisgamesux menus were disabled and all public scripts were disabled, the 1% of the hackers that actually made their own bypass and custom scripts could hack a little. We ran a custom program designed by my admin from Norway, all hack menus were disabled on startup, if you had a hacked weapon you were locked into place, you couldn't teleport even without setpos, the pop can trick wouldn't even work. So yes the server was 99% hacker free when I had my admin from Norway, he quit I believe though.
  4. Well considering server admins can't globally ban or have anything to do with being globally banned it's pretty much pointless to post that. You get global banned from Battle Eye, not from servers.
  5. We can't stop them from joining, but we do our best to catch and ban. It's this way with every server. Sorry you feel this way.
  6. Yeah, I've had this problem on almost every server that I've played on lol. Usually the way I get the meat is skin it, then stand up and hit ESC, move around the animals for a little bit until you find the spot that will give you the meat.
  7. No, I wasn't on for that sorry. I agree, he should go to youtube, maybe he will become famous haha. I'm not sure how the stand alone server will be or how much they will be. I'll look into it for sure! Thanks for playing at SWABS!
  8. Admins are players too, they don't have any special skills or anything, just playing the game like everyone else.
  9. Thank you, database is now being backed up every 30 minutes in case of a mass hacker killing I can do a rolling restart.
  10. Try dayzcommander. If that don't work try putting the IP in manually. I think on six launcher you just click "add server" then put the IP in Let me know if you still have trouble and I'll try to help you more! Thanks