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About cirnee

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    On the Coast
  1. cirnee


    Hello. Not sure if this has been brought up yet however, when I turn off my flashlight it appears to be off, as I cannot see anything at night. But, When I look behind me, I can see that my flashlight is still on, I can see a small light and the people I play with say they can see a small amount of light coming from my character. I've been killed twice now because of this. When I go into my inventory it shows that it is off. As of late, I have just been taking it out of my hand and putting it back into my backpack when I don't want to use it but, that can be a pain. Am I missing something? Anyone else have this issue?
  2. Current in game name: cirnee Location: Wyoming, USA Age: Old, over 30 How long have you played DayZ: About 2 months Preferred voicechat software(s): Skype Preferred Position/Role: Medic or what ever. Don't know how to be a pilot yet. Reason for wanting to join this group: Bored playing alone. Want to experience the game with more people and be involved more. Can you bring anything unique to this group: Comic relief by my noobness, words of wisdom, Weaknesses: I'm a complete newbie with the game. I know the basics but, still learning. Plus my work schedule is rather odd at times.And I've never used Teamspeak or Mumble before. Other: ask and I'll tell!!