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About Stelfox

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Stelfox

    First tries and getting bored

    I've been alive for over 2 weeks and I've been everywhere atleast twice on my current playthrough(Lots of new stuff compared to the mod). Honestly My preferred route as a fresh spawn is NE, Berezino-->Shipwreck--->Krasno city/Airfield. Though I use to always spawn on the east coast. Then explore, learn the map while keeping a steady supply of food and water. Kill only those who are a threat to you, personally if I go to the coast its to hunt bandits. If I see a player who is a fresh spawn or under geared, I help them. But be cautious, even if they only have a pipe wrench. Keep a safe distance, and control the situation. The key to winning most gunfights, is positioning, and if you feel like you lack the gun skills needed, play arma 2 and practice. Also learn the bandit hangouts. Be aware of your surroundings, and think "if I were a guy who had no life and wanted to wait for hours to kill gearless players where would I be"? It's a shame really, that so many people resort to hiding on a hill for hours to shoot a few guys carrying a battery. This game has great potential, but its the community that will define this game. Don't disappoint.
  2. Stelfox

    Goal? What goal?

    If you'd like more to do play the mods, plus arma 2 and OA are great games with tons of other mods. This is Alpha, its a fragile shell of what is to become. Honestly though I think you're completely missing the point of DayZ. DayZ is what you make of it, your own adventure, your own stories and your own choices. Who will you become in a land with no civilization that's full of death? Player interactions is what makes the mod and SA so thrilling, you just spent 3 hours traveling 1000's of km through towns and forests collecting beans.. Guns.. Gear.. Now you leave a house and to your surprise there are 3 guys running towards you 200m away, what do you do?
  3. I usually use a mosin, long range scope and a PU one. The PU is great for 100-300m shooting, its a lot like the M14 AIM from the mod, and the long range obviously is great for those bandits hiding in the hills, BUT, the Mosin tends to be extremely inaccurate at over 400m unless you have a bipod deployed. Also if youre not good at judging distances that may also be a setback. I also use a fireaxe for zombies, its one hit and quiet> Any gun. Lets be honest theres very few zombies in the game(Which is kinda disappointing, as id prefer groups in the 100s lol, but it is alpha). I carry a .357 for close range. The spread on the FN seems a bit much but I think they lowered it in the patch? So it may be better now.