I've been alive for over 2 weeks and I've been everywhere atleast twice on my current playthrough(Lots of new stuff compared to the mod). Honestly My preferred route as a fresh spawn is NE, Berezino-->Shipwreck--->Krasno city/Airfield. Though I use to always spawn on the east coast. Then explore, learn the map while keeping a steady supply of food and water. Kill only those who are a threat to you, personally if I go to the coast its to hunt bandits. If I see a player who is a fresh spawn or under geared, I help them. But be cautious, even if they only have a pipe wrench. Keep a safe distance, and control the situation. The key to winning most gunfights, is positioning, and if you feel like you lack the gun skills needed, play arma 2 and practice. Also learn the bandit hangouts. Be aware of your surroundings, and think "if I were a guy who had no life and wanted to wait for hours to kill gearless players where would I be"? It's a shame really, that so many people resort to hiding on a hill for hours to shoot a few guys carrying a battery. This game has great potential, but its the community that will define this game. Don't disappoint.