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Everything posted by DisfunctionaaL

  1. So i had the mod and i loved the game, but i was sincerely aggrivated by my frame rates. I always felt like I could never get a clear shot and other people had the advantage over me. I pulled about 12-15fps at all times and in the cities i pulled about 1(yes ONE not eleven) - 10fps. I was wondering if it is worth buying the SA if i was getting such bad frame rates on the mod and if the SA has improved frame rates?
  2. DisfunctionaaL

    Should i buy the SA? (Frame rate related)

    Alright i posted, and just so i get the full potential off of my little scavenger hunt: OS: Microsoft Windows XP Proffessional Processor: x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 6 GenuineIn RAM: 2GB Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTS450 Resolution: 1280 by 1024 I know, its bad, but i love dayZ :/
  3. DisfunctionaaL

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Hoping i can get atleast 30fps on the SA, wasnt really the case for the mod but im hoping it will work since the mod was really fun, even with horrible fps. OS: Microsoft Windows XP Proffessional Processor: x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 6 GenuineIn RAM: 2GB Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTS450 Resolution: 1280 by 1024
  4. DisfunctionaaL

    Should i buy the SA? (Frame rate related)

    tbh i would be completely fine with around 35fps i dont need 50+ by any means
  5. DisfunctionaaL

    Should i buy the SA? (Frame rate related)

    oh and i forgot to mention that i had my graphics medium-low for the most part no shadows
  6. DisfunctionaaL

    NEW LFF Thread!

    depends on ur timezone and how much u play. i am literally such a noob at this game the most ive gotten was a pistol and i died to one zed because of i think lag? but anyways i am the eastern US timezone and i will be gaming hard starting at noon tomorrow to monday. reply back for detail