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About simple99

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Bugs: 1. Spawning in debug forest (Has happened 8 times to me) 2. Breaking legs on stupid things. 3. Disappearing items when switching between gear. Features: 1. More base building 2. Different types of zombies (Like L4D, etc) 3. Disconnect timer
  2. simple99

    Warped to Debug Area: 'Wilderness'

    I've had this happen to me 5 times now, each time I have walked accross the map for at least an hour and a half to be with my friends again. Then the next time I join I once again spawn back in the Wilderness. Happened around 15 minutes ago, and just going to respawn this time. Even though I have really gear, there is no ways I'm wasting an hour and a half again.
  3. I've had the same issue. Since I had extremely good gear I kept walking back into the map (By walking an hour and a half every time) to meet up with my friends again. I've done this 5 times now...And it happened again a few minutes ago. Can't stand it anymore, just going to try respawn. I must have bugged character or something, since I don't see how that can happen 5 times.