Hoi! I'm interested in this game but before buying ARMAII, I've some questions. I hope I can get some answers! 1. Buying http://store.steampowered.com/sub/4639/ (Arma II Combined Operations) on Steam is all that I'll spend money on? Do I need the other packs? (british something something on Steam, a few DLCs) Or even if I don't need them per se, do I get any benefits if I have them? 2. I've had trouble with Steam mods in the past. Is downloading the game on Skype then finding files on DayZ forums etc enough? Is setting up the game problematic? 3. I've seen some minimum and suggested systems but as an old gamer, I know for sure that they can be very deceiving. Also, I haven't really followed hardware changes for years (getting recommendations from friends) so I wanna ask, how is the optimization? I got a GTX 560Ti and an i5 processor. Will I have unpleasant surprises? 4. How active is the game? I mean, the players? It seems active! I'm from Turkey, so I'm thinking of EU time zone. 5. How exactly does the server system work? Do I need to find servers? How likely are password-protected servers to accept people? Are good ones "premium"? 6. I've read about hackers. How bad are they? Do they make the game unbearable? I mean.. a hardcore survival game can be ruined by hackers badly! These are the first questions from the top of my head. Thanks for any answers in advance and pardon any language mistakes as I'm not a native speaker.