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About mar0x

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Here is a gunfight we had with Maverick from CDA. My poor shooting only got his UAZ. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7qdkzeZYbs&feature=youtu.be
  2. The intensity on this server just ratcheted to the next level. Last night we were ambushed at our base camp after it was exposed by a non aligned survivor (NAS). We tried escaping the hideout using our heli, but our pilot died mid flight, because he didn’t have a bleeding icon for whatever reason. After respawning, we found that the CDA guys were looting our camp. One of our guys (depraw) at around the same time, happened to run to their stock pile of vehicles and gun. Depraw then takes a Ural filled with various automatic weapons, and comes to pick me and Rayz up. I equip myself with a m240 and prepare to retake our base. Now mind you, the Ural is very loud. You can hear this thing from a click away. The CDA guys must have had a spotter, or were done looting our gear and came to face us head on. We decided that it might be the best to stand our ground and fight. We all pile out of the vehicle and get ready for the fight. The clan comes at us in two jeeps, flanking us with one while we’re distracted. They have us outnumbered at least 3 to 4. The firefight continues for a few minutes, with me trying to get a better position on top of a hill, but we can’t finish them off. They manage to take us all out and take back the Ural with all their loot. Rayz, depraw and myself both get pretty close spawns next to each other (and the CDA base) and we decide to hoof it up North to try to get there before they return. Rayz had a few minutes on us, and got there first. He takes and UAZ with some gear and prepares to leave. Just outside of their camp, depraw and I make our approach. About 100 meters from their camp, the CDA guys make it back in their Ural. Rayz gets demolished as the van just rolls right through him. Depraw and I are now in a full sprint to get to a vehicle, hoping to get out of their alive. We both grab a UAZ and try to make it out of there. Might attempt is futile as I’m shot and killed through my windshield. Depraw manages to make it out of there alive with some gear in tow. At this point, we suspect that the clan cleaned up the camp and called it a night. We, could not let the night end in that way. We regrouped at our original base camp, geared up with whatever we had left, and started making our way back to the CDA camp. We arrive to the camp, and notice that they’ve taken most of the gear from the vehicles that are left. Just to make sure that they can’t use any of the vehicles, we line them up in a straight line and blow them all up. We roll off into the sunset, feeling victorious. But only time will tell how this conflict will end…