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Everything posted by terrorizer33

  1. terrorizer33

    #0 "bis_greetedpeople" = []

    Does look fishy.. what log did this come from? Remoteexec?
  2. Feel free to join ours if you want. Public server, uk based, gmt -5. See my signature ;-)
  3. Cheers! As do you sir :-) Though abuse has limits. People get of with warnings first, they dont abide the rules after being warned they will be removed. Only thing that really pisses me off straight away is racism. We have zero tolerance for racist pricks.
  4. terrorizer33

    ban appeal US1252

    lol the seagull entry is a false positive..
  5. terrorizer33

    Side chat.

    We've had it enabled since our server started... never heard any mod/dev moan about it...
  6. terrorizer33

    Looking for Testers

    I'll make a post on our own forum and see if I can get a bunch of our lads in the skype group to test some more..
  7. terrorizer33

    Player named Server

    Only names I dont really like in our server is Admin or Administrator.. these names might give players a wrong impression. We kindly ask those people to change their profile name.
  8. It'll probably run, question is how well... I'd say not too well... Mobile intel cpu + integrated videocard with (probably) shared video memory.. If you dont mind playing with low fps it'll probably manage..
  9. Hmmm... I've been called an idiot (or worse) on many occassions (fair or not), but I wont ban for something silly as being called an idiot. Admins need to have a thick skin, simple as that. Don't be fooled though every abuse has it's limits.
  10. Just an ip as a subject helps..... not...... State the server name and ban reason and all that...
  11. terrorizer33

    Looking for Testers

    skype: t3rr3ur hardly ever use skype though :P
  12. terrorizer33

    Are these two products compatibile

    Its an 1155 socket cpu and that mainboard is a socket 1155... So I'd say yes they're compatible :)
  13. haha I had this once as well.. thought I was just being a numpty clicking on Get out instead of switching seats... I just fell and died :D
  14. terrorizer33

    This in log. Not sure what to do.

    Would be nice to know (or see) from what log they pulled this entry... on the other hand... as this is a private hive you might as well be f'ed... they dont really need a reason to get rid of you if they wanted to...
  15. terrorizer33

    Why DayZ will fail as a standalone game

    I dont understand why the stand alone has to be much different (according to some people's post on here) then the current version of the mod. As far as I followed the dev blogs there are changes compared to the mod (character customization, clothing, more buildings, crafting) plus they're will be patches after release which should add more options to the game. I'd be quite happy if they kept all the bollox 200+ vehicles/start with an m1a1 abrahamstank or A10 plane servers out of the picture. These servers arent what DayZ was intended to be as far as I know. Do the WoW thing and do everything central server side without all the crap. The people who don't like it will stay away... I kinda like that idea..
  16. Havent died once cause of this bug, but seen a couple of my mates have this problem.. (and I chuckled at them breaking bones and dying :D :D)
  17. terrorizer33

    US 3480 Banned because of an assumption

    Hehe like some1 already mentioned, dont associate with hackers... it makes you look suspicious.. jimmy indeed is a true gent.
  18. terrorizer33

    Player kicks

    Your server is up to date with all the latest patches (dayz+arma2)? Sounds like 1 of those 2 is missing..
  19. It normally works to just get out and start running in any direction straight away.. but ye it's a bug..
  20. terrorizer33

    Original updated servers

    :-) cool.. give ours (UK498) a try if you want.
  21. terrorizer33

    Looking for Testers

    I could help out tonight if still necessary.. At work atm.. available in 4 hours ..
  22. terrorizer33

    Original updated servers

    As far as I know FR34 is a public hive server (connected to a main database). I've played on this server before and when I switch back to our own server I still got all the stuff I joined their server with..
  23. terrorizer33

    DayZ - UK410 - Public Hive Issue.

    Only thing I can suggest is to send Razor49 a pm... He might be able to sort this for you mate..
  24. terrorizer33

    **Planet F8L** New Server US

    Haters going to hate... you got 2 posts... I lol'ed (:
  25. terrorizer33

    **Planet F8L** New Server US

    Played on your server last weekend for a bit and had a chat with your bf on mumble.. Nice dude. Server seems to run pretty smooth as well (even with me being in Europe, ping was stable @110ms).. Hope you get the population you deserve.. Loot wise it's not really my kinda thing.. A bit too much (found about 5 cars on Balota airstrip alone :D) Imo. Good luck, might drop by your mumble again soon :)