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Everything posted by terrorizer33

  1. LoL like I said, if you act idiotic people can call you an idiot... if you kick/ban people for calling you an idiot your skin isn't thick enough...
  2. terrorizer33

    DayZ still so much hackers/cheaters?

    Or find a public server with active admins (like ours) ;)
  3. terrorizer33

    Public hive vehicle spawns

    Funny thing is, we got at least 1 more vehicle that has been missing for a long time (AN2 plane), not sure wether this was due to the database migration or something else... (:
  4. We have side chat enabled too and enforce a strict no voice in side chat policy as well. It's a simple rule... just type in side chat and dont use voice. You went against his server rules so you got banned... tough luck :) Try the same on our server and you will be banned after a warning too...
  5. terrorizer33

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    Pretty sweet they based a real life place on a game like DayZ :D
  6. terrorizer33

    Zombie Go Home Incorrectly Banned

  7. terrorizer33

    Zombie Go Home Incorrectly Banned

    This post has been made by yourself twice ;-)
  8. Apparently we can ban people if 1 individual harms a whole (server) community. But you have to have some kind of proof.
  9. terrorizer33

    The best Dayz tip you have ever heard

    If they shoot at you, shoot back! They look at you funny and aim at you when you're not in cover, put them down!
  10. terrorizer33

    Rule Breaker?

    Haha I know what you mean mate. Allthough without rules eveything will turn into chaos..
  11. terrorizer33

    DayZ hive maintenance

    Cheers for the headsup! We'll inform our player base.
  12. terrorizer33

    Zombie Go Home Incorrectly Banned

    Same shit, different post :-D
  13. Another question. How do you become a bandit in a non-pvp server?
  14. terrorizer33

    Rule Breaker?

    Public hives arent allowed to have modified mission files. Its against the hosting rules.
  15. terrorizer33

    Incorrect Bans on server

    Ps. Its a private hive so you're pretty much fed in the a..
  16. terrorizer33

    Incorrect Bans on server

    Cant see anything out of the ordinairy tbh. Any1 else?
  17. Good day fellow server admins (and rest), My mate and server owner of UK498 has put a guide together on how to administrate our DayZ public server. I sort of rewrote it, got rid of all the example player IPs and some personal info and now it's free to download and use. Please note that this document isn't fool proof nor is it verified by the DayZ mod developers, but after verifying the guide by some of the forum mods I decided to just convert it to .pdf and put it up for download. All credits go to my mate (lielestosbrat) and I cant thank him enough for putting his time and energy into putting this guide together. You can download it here: http://www.ge.tt/3ajcOpW/v/0?c You need Acrobat reader to be able to open it. Adobe reader can be downloaded here: http://get.adobe.com/uk/reader/ This guide can still be ammended at any time and all your extra input is welcome too ofcourse. The more info, the easier/quicker we can get rid of all those pesky hackerzzz... Cheers and hope you find this usefull.
  18. terrorizer33

    DayZ server administration guide

    Bump (old, but still actual).
  19. terrorizer33

    Help Me Guys

    Hardware failures are tricky.. There's quite a couple of testing tools out there which will test some parts of your hardware (memory, cpu, graphics), but imho the only proper thing to do when testing hardware is to swap parts. This is kind of depending on what your exact problem is though..
  20. Whats the exact error message you get (a screenshot would be helpfull)?
  21. terrorizer33

    #0 "bis_greetedpeople" = []

    I'd just keep an eye out, might be nothing but you never know :D
  22. terrorizer33

    Your most satisfying kill

    Think mine has got to be where I was in a situation at nwaf. Me by myself in a ghillie suit near southeast barracks tree line when all of a sudden 5 other dudes in ghillies appeared from vybor side. They didnt spot me so I let them pass. Didnt really have much on me so ai figured I just blend in their group which actually worked. At some point I just randomly shot 1 in the head, ran off a bit and watched them kill each other in the confusion. DayZ can be a lot of fun at times :-D
  23. terrorizer33

    Cheating the system

    Haha OP tbh you werent really making alot of sense. Public server hoster admins can take stuff from their server to other pub servers and vice versa, but there isnt really any point in doing so. I believe strongly that most (decent) hosters are just players like any others who like to play the game and give a safe place for others to play on too. Unfortunately you will have abusive admins in DayZ just like in any other game.
  24. Try and find their website or forum if they have 1.The server owners might not check these forums.