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Everything posted by terrorizer33

  1. terrorizer33

    Log File Help

    This might help you: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/120666-dayz-server-administration-guide/page__st__20#entry1178530
  2. terrorizer33

    Side Channel in

    Enabling Side chat is a server setting as mentioned above..
  3. terrorizer33

    no vehicles since update

    We had issues as well... (see: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/122923-no-vehicle-spawn-on-server/). Maybe Jimm (see that topic also) can help you...?!
  4. Its a private hive server... Only thing you can do is contact the admins through their website (if they have 1) or wait some more untill at some point 1 of them reads your appeal :)
  5. That's a bit harsh. New players can be pretty clueless with DayZ when it comes down to hackers... when I started playing DayZ I found a hacked in box as well and took loads of goodies from it... I didnt get banned or anything, but at a later point (after putting in a good couple of hours) I realised it was box spawned by hackers.. How should a new player that just bought ARMA2 and just installed DayZ, know this? It doesnt exactly come with a manual...
  6. terrorizer33

    DE 1067 Admin banned Players

    Is killed? was killed? is was killed? :D :o
  7. terrorizer33

    Banned UK #10

    Hehe good lesson for all... trolling gets you banned :) Banned a fair couple of trolls on our server as well... Think about what you do before you do them :)
  8. terrorizer33

    Is this a hacker?

    I'd say nope. No script ran as far as I can see..
  9. terrorizer33

    Issues with our server

    Re-installed it yet? Sounds like some corrupt files...
  10. terrorizer33

    No vehicle spawn on server

    Haha exactly and another point you do have to know what you're doing as you might mess up your server. If you rent a server you expect it to work properly (which ours didn't) so again Im very happy we got it sorted properly now without fiddling with the .pbo files (again).. Thanks anyway!
  11. I will, only major problem we had was that banlist issue.. it crashed (and auto restarted) our server which wasnt too good for the player population :) I'll try it tonight when our server is empty :) Gotta love the fridays of work :)
  12. Has the 3000ban BE limit issue been resolved (sorry, havent read any changelogs and stuff yet.. bit busy meself)? If so we will give the new Dart a go again..
  13. terrorizer33

    Big list of hack detections?

    haha if you can give him that list be sure to pass it on to me too :) :) As far as I know there is no such list..
  14. terrorizer33

    No vehicle spawn on server

    You mean the de-compiling/compiling trick with the .pbo files? We did that before (which worked), but it had some nasty habits. Im VERY glad we got it all sorted legitemately now.. vehicles spawning where they should and staying on the location where they were left :) :) Happycampers :D
  15. terrorizer33

    Big list of hack detections?

    What exactly do you mean? A banlist.txt or something? Banlists are server dependent. The only 1 that's used on all servers is the Battleye global banlist. Battleye server bans are limited to the server the ban was issued on. There is a Community Ban list but apparently that 1 isnt maintained anymore. And there's a couple more community banlists of which I dont really know much about...
  16. UK498 is ours. UK based gmt+5. Quite a good couple of regular groups on, teamspeak channel and fair admins. New (and veteran) players with a good attitude are always welcome!
  17. terrorizer33

    how is this cpu and mobo

    Intel for me all the way... always :) 170pounds doesnt really sound expensive though...
  18. terrorizer33

    New player looking for server

    Try UK498 normal day/night cycle gmt +5 ;-)
  19. terrorizer33

    Hacker Report: Spawning in Items on UK 355

    Hehe nice recording... :) 1 of the many hackers I'm afraid.
  20. As far as I read the timestamps right this isnt hacking. Looks to me like player 1 mightve found a tent (camp) with ammo and a couple of mountain dews. Same goes for the other 2 players. You'll definately see a massive difference in the logs when some1 spawns a crate/boxs (every item in arma2 spawned within 5-10 seconds). Its a pretty long list of ammo/guns of which some aren't even in DayZ. I'd check the publicvariable.log/setpos.log as well on player 1 just to be sure.. Read this guide to know what to look for --> http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/120666-dayz-server-administration-guide/
  21. terrorizer33

    No vehicle spawn on server

    You're actions definately worked! Cheers!!!! We're a happy bunch again :thumbsup: Give this man a medal!!!
  22. terrorizer33

    No vehicle spawn on server

    Thanks very very much mate! Will post if your actions worked! _o_
  23. terrorizer33

    No vehicle spawn on server

    Same with our forum, have to keep cleaning stuff or I wont get any messages :( Default settings I'm afraid :(
  24. terrorizer33

    DayZ server administration guide

    Weird most can download it still.. Tried it from different computers as wel.. Send me a pm with your email address and I'll mail it to you.