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Everything posted by konrad.barwitzki@googlemail.com

  1. konrad.barwitzki@googlemail.com

    A not-announcement announcement for the forums!

    Thanks for the post Rocket. I am sure the dev team and you are doing a great job. Don't rush the release, take the time that is needed.
  2. konrad.barwitzki@googlemail.com


    I don't think that you can enter all of the buildings on the list. You should better take a look at this site: http://www.dayzwiki....spot_Categories There are also some guides, check them out.
  3. konrad.barwitzki@googlemail.com

    DMR, Yay or Nay?

    Yay all in all a good sniper rifle. Good accuracy, large clip, high rate of fire and a low recoil. Not my fav sniper but reliable.
  4. konrad.barwitzki@googlemail.com

    Where all the guns at?

    You've searched the right places. It looks like you just had some bad luck. Don't give up! If you don't have the guns to fight your way into town try the sneaky way. Try to gather some food and meds then maybe head to the airfield.