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About HystericMonkey

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Skype

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  1. IGN?:HystericMonkey Age?:22 Skype?:chrjackson Country?:US Do you have teamspeak?:yes How many months have you been playing?:Well, its been off and on, but I first started playing DayZ back when there was still one map to play on. What are your specialties?:flying and probably cannon fodder.. :) Any other info? (optional): Well, I work offshore and therefore, when I'm gone for work I can't really play DayZ but when I'm back in town I have plenty of time.
  2. HystericMonkey

    looking for somebody to play with now?

    add me on skype im chrjackson
  3. HystericMonkey

    looking for somebody to play with now?

    add me on skype im chrjackson