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Posts posted by NotSoSimple

  1. Minty,

    Just wanted to give you the reason our crew stopped playing. We got hunted down by admins, which was fine and fun for the first hour. But we counted about 18 frags being thrown, one member we killed and re-appeared within 5 minutes fully kitted up. One member Ruil started being pretty rude, but props to BP Andrew for trying to cool things Howver it left a pretty bad taste in our mouth. We ended up coming back just to grab our gear and we were instantly called campers by admins once more. We tried to say we just want our stuff and to be gone but they wouldnt have it. Not sure if their were any admin shenanigans going on behind the scenes, and at this point it is water under bridge. We just got tired of being hunted down and not knowing what was next. We were their to kill NPCs and fly Helis only, not to strike a vendetta against the admins. Best of luck on your ventures.

  2. Great server! Minty even hopped on and helped us with a squad of NPCs. The firefight was pretty awesome. Removing parts from vehicles works awesome. One thing we were disappointed was lack of Helis. We patroled the map with a little bird and didn't see a single additional Heli. Also, what is the respawn timer on NPCs? We hopped back and forth from the 'hot zones' for a good 3 hours looking for more.

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  3. I loaded up the game for 15 minutes on Thursday to show a buddy and it worked great. Load it up tonight (Computer was off entire time) and I get this horrible artificating. Nvdia drivers are up to date (For official releases, not beta). Doing a Shift+Minus+flush does nothing. I tried the graphics changes (Threading, Occlusion, etc) and it dosnt do anything. Thoughts on this?



  4. A: Your in-game name: NotSoSimple

    B: Your condition/ailments: Broken Bone

    C: Your location: 042 052 - W of NW Airfield in trees on edge of field

    D: Normal skin, armed with an AK, equipped with an ALICE pack.

    First post, bummer I had to use it here. Was with a buddy and we both glitched going out of the ATC tower :( Crawled out of the airfield but had to log. Should be able to get on 10/25 after 8:00PM PST.