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About apostasyx@yahoo.com

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  1. apostasyx@yahoo.com

    BANG I'm dead?

    Pretty much any rifle can one shot you, but it would most likely be someone with an as50 killing you. The as50 is relatively silent and pretty much no sound when the person killing you is 500m+ away. It happens man, you're going to die, a lot. Some server you load in and get the you are dead screen because some people like to run up and down the coast killing every new spawn. Tons of things are going to make you hate the game, but you have to get through that shit to get to the even better parts of the game.
  2. apostasyx@yahoo.com

    Uh oh

    When I have a broken leg, no morphine, and playing solo... the zombies get a nice feast.
  3. apostasyx@yahoo.com

    Choosing a graphics card

    I don't have anything special and I can run DayZ and record it with fraps at about 40-50 fps depending on the server. Nvidia GeForce 9800 GTX+, over clocked quad-core processor to 3.1, 8 gigs of ram. With this game, it seems to me it's all luck. People with top of the line rigs sometimes get below 20 fps (especially in cities on crowded servers.)
  4. apostasyx@yahoo.com

    Your guy's opinion on spawning with weapons.

    Spawning with a hatchet wouldn't hurt. I've died more than a few times from zombies because I had no way to defend myself.
  5. apostasyx@yahoo.com

    Why you kill unarmed players

    Get killed while unarmed a lot, once even by a hero. I was in Elektro decided to go into the fire station, saw a guy with a hero skin run in, look at unarmed me for a good 5 seconds (enough time to see I was unarmed) and proceed to shoot me in the head. Another time I was running through a treeline east of Balota, when I glance behind me and see a guy with a double barrel chasing me. I turn around for shits and giggles and run towards he fires a shot at me and misses then his head explodes with AK shots. I run off and all I hear is someone shooting full auto non stop at me, the guy had to go through 3 clips before finally breaking my legs. He then walked up to me and shot me once in the head. I mean, I was on a server with 50+ people, so shooting an AK full auto near Balota at an unarmed player, you're just begging to get killed by someone near by. I don't get angry, I have nothing to lose anyway, but I still don't get it.
  6. apostasyx@yahoo.com

    Your vehicle experiences.

    I've had tons of luck finding vehicles, but I usually just end up giving them away to people. Found a bus, went around picked up a group of four and gave them tons of food and stuff, and let them have it. Yesterday I brought a tractor back to my base, and I was sitting in corner looking up something on my second monitor when I hear the signature "vroom" of the tractor. I wasn't too worried, didn't want it anyway, so I watch him drive towards the front gates when bam he hits a pole and exploded and at the bottom of the chat I see "soandso has been killed" poor guy. Right now all I have is a dirtbike and bicycle, I tend to ride bicycles everywhere, stealthy.
  7. apostasyx@yahoo.com

    Where is your DayZ "home"?

    Used to have a tent camp way west of Vybor, then that got boring so set up base in the factory east of Polana with around 8 other people. We play in different time zones, so there is almost always someone there watching, plus we get our fair share of firefights and battles there. Just today a lone bandit killed two of my guys so no choice but to take him out. Then about 5 minutes later a chopper flies over with the door gunner shooting the place up. The guy drops off two people at the top of the mountain in the north, stupid place with me having an L85, spotted and had a buddy take them out easily. It is the most fun place to set up camp in my opinion, lot's of action.
  8. apostasyx@yahoo.com

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I have a tale to tell ye' of the dreaded dew. There i was in Vybor, with one friend, we looted the super market, ran across the street to the school and Hory Sheet, I find it. I find a mountain dew, and stupid me brags about it, I dared not drink it. A drink of this rarity should not be gulped down, it should be savored. Just for a run down, we are on a private hive, whitelisted. At the time we were the only ones on. We head back to my camp and I stash the dew there. One tent, filled with as much medical supplies the whole of Chernarus couldn't use in a life time. In the other, M107s, DMRs, M14s, AS50s, 2 L85s, and much much more. I save the tents after this, wouldn't dare lose this. The server restarts and I don't even check the tents before running off to loot places. I go along on my business looting crash sites, and barracks. Remember whole 2 hours of this the two of us are alone on the server... together. We get done looting and drive back to the camp. My buddy had broken his legs so I thought hey, lets go back to the camp and get you some morphine. I drive in, happy as all hell, go to open my medical tent and what do I see... one bandage and one blood bag! there was the max limit of 50 general items in there, who could have taken all that? I check the weapons tent... 12 weapons missing!? the camp is close to 3000 meters from the nearest road, and is not easily accessible by vehicle, and no one man could have done this that quickly with a simple backpack, and even more impossible especially since no one else was on... I immediately knew it was my fault... I had caused this... beware the dew, leave it where it lies, let some other survivor suffer it's curse.
  9. apostasyx@yahoo.com

    Introduce yourselves

    I'm Apostasy, people call me a Lone Wolf. Even when I'm in a group, you will never see me closer than 200m near them. I have seen hardcore bandits dying on the ground and saved their lives, they turn around to see who has done it, or to shoot their savior, and I'm gone. I like to steal from the rich and give to the poor, I once stole a Ural full of a clans stockpiled weapons and gear, drove it to a designated area and let the Bambi's have at it. Don't think because of my kind heart that I won't do what is necessary to survive. As many bandits days I have made, there are the exact opposite of bandits days I have ruined. If you're sniping the major cities and get shot in the back, it's probably me, if you come back to your corpse to collect your precious high end gear only to find a Makarov with 1 Mag. on your corpse, you know it was me. Have fun knowing there is always someone watching you in the distance.
  10. apostasyx@yahoo.com

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Another Green Mountain tale. This happened today, my character had been alive for 3 days, beaten the odds countless times. Surviving fire fight after fire fight, getting away from a horde of zombies after being knocked unconscious at 1000 blood. It was my 3rd day, I had everything a survivor could need, ghillie, weapons, food and drink. I had just escaped a sniper ambush with a buddy at Devil's Castle, I told him to drop me off at Zelenogorsk (where I kept my tractor) so I could scope out Stary Military tents silently before looting. On my way around the base of green mountain I spotted a helicopter crash pretty far up the side, who wouldn't check it out? As I arrived at the crash I searched around not finding much, and then I saw it, an L85, my most sought out weapon lying there with 3 mags. Searched a little more and found NVG's, how good my day was going right? That's all I ended up finding. I left and followed the back roads up to Stary by first going through Novy. This took a little while in a tractor, I'm driving south up the road into Novy when out of nowhere, boom unconscious, tractor a flame, blood rapidly falling. "There was no explosion, what caused this?" I said to myself, and just a second later the "Your are Dead" screen popped up. A measly death, I would just go back to my corpse. I contacted a friend and he said he would pick me up and bring me back to my corpse. Just as he was about to fly down to pick me up what does the chat say? "Server Restart: 1 minute" There is no other explanation than Green Mountain caused this.
  11. apostasyx@yahoo.com

    New Player in Search of Private Hive

    I have applied.
  12. apostasyx@yahoo.com

    New Player in Search of Private Hive

    Howdy people, I just started playing today (really newb) I'm 22 years old and looking for a mature private hive, from what I've heard public servers are pretty bad, haven't experienced anything terrible in them yet, besides getting sniped right off the bat on the shore. I'm from eastern U.S, and U.K servers actually have decent ping for me, so U.S or U.K is preferable, thank you.
  13. apostasyx@yahoo.com

    Need some friendly's to run around with

    So many people with that name, look up <<{BLS}>>Apostasy and add me
  14. apostasyx@yahoo.com

    Need some friendly's to run around with

    I should be purchasing the Arma II: CO sometimes this weekend, would be nice to have some people to teach me and help me out without hackers.
  15. apostasyx@yahoo.com

    Wondering if it's worth it?

    I'm wondering the same, I've played at a friends a few times, and love it, doesn't seem as bad as glitchy as people make it out to be. My only concern is hackers, game dead in a month? no updates? I'm not sure what to think about all this, I've played WarZ alpha and hate it (No offence to fans) but I don't want a generic of this, I want a free world survival mmo. It's not a lot of money, I'll get the standalone even if I get it now. But just don't want to make a mistake and stop playing in a month like I did with skyrim.