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About xHelbachx

  • Rank
  1. xHelbachx

    Good DayZ Epoch Servers? brand new cool players and staff.. Needs more players though
  2. Brand new Epoch server looking for new players. If you wanna join Tons of new scripts, arrest people and much more! Come check it out!
  3. xHelbachx

    MCG (Mad Cow Gaming)

    Hey guys MCG is recruiting. We dont really care how you play we are just looking for new DayZ players. If your interested msg me on Skype and I'll send you our teamspeak. Skype: xlaiit
  4. We are looking for acouple more guys to play with (US) add me on skype if your interested. xlaiit.
  5. hey Im looking for some guys to play with idc about age or anything. add me on skype. xlaiit or join FallenFactions and tell me
  6. xHelbachx


    add me on skype.xlaiit
  7. Hey guys Im starting a semi bandit clan/group. We will go into Elektro/Cherno and hunt other bandits and well of players but we will help new players with guns ect. If your interested add me on skype xlaiit.
  8. xHelbachx

    Wow you guys play this?

    add me on skype asap im on a server atm and have a car and driving around. xlaiit
  9. xHelbachx

    xTHE RENEGADESx clan recruitment

    Age:16 5 Months Im looking for a clan to join and you guys looked good to join Recon Yes Yes Yes Yes, ReDSlushie Central US US Everyday after school or work
  10. Name: Cole Age (No Age Limit): 16 Skype Name (PC Only): xlaiit Steam Name (PC Only): chelbach Gamertag (Xbox 360 Only): N/A Why You Want To Join?: Looking for a good active DayZclan What Games Do You Have?: Minecraft, CS, Ages of Empire 3 Country Of Residence:US Trade(s): Sneaky How active are you a week?: Daily Trades (you can be more then one) Sniper, Solider
  11. If anyone wants to be a bandit with me add me on skype! xlaiit
  12. xHelbachx

    NextStepGaming {NSG} Recruiting

    Name: Cole or xHelbachx Age: 16 Time Zone: Central US DayZ: Acouple months Style: I kill people only if they attack me or they have attacked my group Gun: M4 SD CCO amd UAZ Skype: xlaiit
  13. We we're a new US Server looking for a good player base. We have starter kits. Crossbow with a m1911. We have over 100 cars and new helis spawned in everyday! If youre looking to join a group msg me on skype. xlaiit. Admins on the server are ReDSlushie and TheJRMilan. If you see something you think we should change just tell us!
  14. xHelbachx

    New PrivateHive Server/Kits/100Cars
  15. Come join our DayZ Server. Its private hive with over 100 cars. Come join! BloodSlushie