Its all about communication. Civilization started with communication. Most people type to communicate. You cant type and protect yourself at the same time, so people tend to go for protection and thus there will be no clear communication and then accidents (people getting shot) start to happen This game has a great feature called direct communication voice chat. It enables you to speak ingame with the use of a headset as if you where speaking in real life. Only people in your direct vicinity can hear you nobody else just like in real life. And you can pinpoint there location by the direction of there voice. By using this feature you are able to communicate and protect yourself at the same time. This way less accidents will happen and more friendships will be established. The problem is that nobody uses this feature. Probably because they do not own a microphone, are scared to talk over a microphone, do not know this feature exists or do not know how to use it. So putting efforts in education people to use Direct communications voice chat will result in way less PvP killings.