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Cappin Caveman

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About Cappin Caveman

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  1. There is still good in you, I can feel it.....no wait, that's just gas. Seriously though, it all starts when you resist the urge to shoot on sight....and start communicating.
  2. Cappin Caveman

    Couple of moronic logic's that should be fixed.

    NO. What I am saying/suggesting is that you could improvise and gut an animal with an ax, but because you use an ax and NOT the right tool for the job, your yield is penalized by only getting a portion of the available meat.
  3. Cappin Caveman

    Couple of moronic logic's that should be fixed.

    An ax is a bludgeoning/cleaving weapon or tool, you could possibly get SOMETHING to eat by trying to gut/skin an animal with it......but more often than not you will just make a mess. Cavemen used certain types of sharpened rocks that would hold an edge and fit in your hand to do the delicate job of cleaning their kills. Maybe if you gutted a cow with an ax, you would only get 1 steak-like lump of flesh, wasting the rest because of the tool used.
  4. Cappin Caveman

    Shooting birds?

    Absolutely, positively NO shooting eagles, that's just BAD. I'm not to sure I'd shoot a crow either.....bad,bad karma there too. Grouse and pheasant...absolutely YES. Bustard?!? Bus + tard?....isn't that murder?
  5. Cappin Caveman

    Dogs in vehicles

    Upgrade for the motorbike.......SIDECAR!!(comes w/aviator goggles 'n scarf)
  6. Cappin Caveman

    Combat logging details.

    Having no zombie dodging skill and logging out to de-spawn zeds, then logging back in should be combat logging....a timer(however short) would fix this.
  7. Cappin Caveman

    edited - PVP and PVE best of both worlds

    Good idea!! I managed to dodge gunfire for around 2 minutes....they(plural) must have wasted at least 100rnds M240 ammo and at least 3-4 clips as50 or m107 ammo, all that to get my ax.
  8. Cappin Caveman

    Booby Traps

    Just say for instance that you only have a melee weapon and somehow end up with a grenade. Now picture yourself pinned down by gunfire with NO chance of escape.....wouldn't it be nice to booby trap your own body with said grenade so when looters get to your corpse and begin to loot(BOOM) A little retribution from the grave. Make the trap disarmable of course....but if they don't bother to check.....once again...BOOM.
  9. Cappin Caveman

    I Can't Keep Playing Like This

    Are those FEELINGS?!? You gotta lose those, they will only hinder your bandit playstyle.....just kidding. Personally I never shoot first, it tends to get me killed more than I'd like but that's the way I'd rather play. IMHO it's more challenging and therefore more rewarding to engage in conversation and see how a situation plays out rather than clean the blood off my new gear that I got by shooting a dude in the BACK of the head from half a click away. But hey, to each their own.
  10. Cappin Caveman

    DayZ: Namalsk

    I just finished playing for the night and I have to say great work!! I like the fact that more emphasis has been put on the survival aspects. AS50's are definately still in, was blown apart by one... I must have been lucky because I found ample food and drink and quite afew locations had czech or alice packs for me. Have the supply drops already been implemented? I ask because I came across crates with deployed parachutes where afew medical supplies(morphine/bandages/painkillers) were spilled around it. Even found me some matches as well...:D All in all a thoroughly enjoyable fear fest. Thanks for this!
  11. Cappin Caveman

    Lethal area

    Wouldn't a fuel-air bomb be a better way to rid ourselves of the UNDEAD. Designed to detonate above ground and destroy by heat/fire organic, or once organic material. The fallout/radiation from a nuke would probably have zero effect on the undead, but make survival for the living next to impossible. I would totally be in favor of this if I could mutate afew extra arms to use more weapons or more legs so when I broke one or two I would still have extras to use. OR, we could just stick to the zombie apocolypse theme with a biological infection that has turned unfortunates into zeds.
  12. Cappin Caveman

    Death and the destruction of gear

    It might also be really nice to be able to shoot gear off of players, destroying it in the process. Perhaps shooting weapons out of hands or sniping someones NVG's right off of their head at night. It would allow more options than just shooting to kill.
  13. Cappin Caveman

    humanity reset???

    The blood of the innocent won't wash off so easily.....
  14. Cappin Caveman

    PVP turns you into a BANDIT

    If the players trying to kill you are terrible shots, you can become a bandit in self-defence...this makes me sad.
  15. Cappin Caveman

    How to use full backpack and inventory

    The inventory system with Dayz is cumbersome at best, but in no time you will be a pro. 3kout is right on, but make sure you take FROM your backpack. If you try and stuff items from your inventory to your full backpack, your backpack will become Mr. Pacman and eat everything on you!!