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Everything posted by kumando

  1. kumando

    1.7.7 really punished stupidity

    Yeah this happened to with 1.7.5, every time they buff the difficulty an army of carebears begins to cry and they dumb everything down again, at this point i really feel for the stand alone i believe it will be harder than the mod at start and the majority of the dayz players just want to play codz without giving a fck about zeds and i forsee walls of QQ when standalone is out so rocket will need to tend to them ($$$). Im really starting to question if i will buy the SA or not... Heres a sugestion for R4ZOR49, make a patch that removes zeds so that all the cod kiddies can play, i wont play dayz no more in its current state.
  2. R4Z0R49 what does this mean??? [uPDATED] - Infection rates are much lower (based on #zeds attacking you) viral zeds have 4x greater infection rates This means the less zombies attacking you less infection or the other way around? And the viral zeds will infect more than it is now? Please clarify! [FIXED] - Zeds full scale damage reverted to 100% was 50% in .7. Zeds do more damage or less?
  3. kumando

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Never had this issue in 1.7.7, must be ppl having problems with lag or desync, i never experienced zeds hitting me from that distance.
  4. kumando

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Any ETA on when this will be fixed?
  5. I totally see this happen with dayz standalone, in the last interview rocket talked about dayz sa needs to be profitable, when in the begining he say he didint want to make a game for the masses and he didint needed to earn money with dayz, its so sad.
  6. kumando

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Man just revert back to 1.7.7 and increse the antibiotics spawn rate a bit and everyone wil be happy, is that so difficult to do?
  7. kumando

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    What is the bug, they arent making any damage?
  8. What bug are you talking about?
  9. Completly agree, all they add to do was to up the antibiotic spanw rate a bit, why dumb down all the zombie mechanics again?
  10. kumando

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Yes it super easy now, why the hell do you always listen to carebears? Are you making with them? It sure does everytime you make the game more difficult and people cry you always tend to them...
  11. Sadly i think the SA will take the same path with easy zombies, you just cant win against the masses rocket at first said that this game would be differente and would be hard unlike other games and that he didint care about profit, but in e3 he talked about that the game has to make money so i see the sa being a fail for me because i want hard zombies.
  12. No sadly im in a minority boat, the harder the zombies the better i never complained about it on the contrary.
  13. MAybe you are right mate, maybe this could be solved with harcore servers and care bear serveers i dont know.
  14. kumando

    New hotfix changes for R4Z0R49

    An zombies hitting you a million times without consequence is that acceptable in a zombie game?
  15. kumando

    New hotfix changes for R4Z0R49

    Im sorry to say this R4Z0R49 but after testing more i have to say you made zombies just a joke again, carebears won again unfortunately...
  16. Or ithey sould have only ncreased the antibiotics rate a bit they should have not changed the zeds, they were perfect like they were, it just doesnt makes sense you getting hit a million times by zeds without consequence.
  17. Its really sad that when things get hard like its supposed to be, i mean thats what separates dayz from other games people cry and moan and the devs immeadiatly tend to it... It happen the same in 1.7.5 patch, sorry to say this but i cant believe how a shitty game like warz has more menacing zombies than dayz.
  18. kumando

    New hotfix changes for R4Z0R49

    Ive tried the hotfix they seem a bit easy now compared1.7.7 due to the less chance of infection by normal zeds, i think you should increase the normal zeds damaage they arent doing any damage at all ive tested it.
  19. Before was boring, the only thing fun to do was killing players and that was all, now i find myself killing zombies and avoiding them like plague unlike before they were merely spectators, so now we get to treat both zombies and players like menaces wich increases the fun factor imho.
  20. kumando

    Viral Zeds need to be easy to indentify.

    Absolutely not in imho they shoule even be less visible, becau taht adds to the fear and tension.
  21. I dont agree with you, in the wild its difficult to sense if it is yiu or other players spawning the zeds.
  22. [uPDATED] - Infection rates are much lower (based on #zeds attacking you) viral zeds have 4x greater infection rates What does this means the less zombies attacking you less infection or the other wau around? And the viral zeds will infect more than it is now? Please clarify R4Z0R49
  23. kumando

    1.7.* Infection WIP Update

    I didint complained about this you must be mistaken me with another player bro.
  24. kumando

    Actual Constructive Feedback for 1.7.7

    Dayz was never meant to be easy or to be a game for the masses for that you have cod and bf,
  25. kumando

    1.7.* Infection WIP Update

    I think you need to have carefull with this topic because like a previous poster said, right now infection its the real reason why zombies are feared if you are going to add means to delay infection ppl will just treat zombies like nothing again. If you are going to do this you need to buff zombie damage at least to the double or zombies will become just a radar to hunt players like before.