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Everything posted by kumando

  1. kumando

    Constructive feedback for 1.7.7

    The game was never meant to be easy you guys were just bad accustomed
  2. kumando

    Constructive feedback for 1.7.7

    Lol another COD kiddie is upset that zombies no longer just serve as a radar to spot players.
  3. You guys defintly brought new life to the game lets be honest, in the previous patches the only thing that was left to do was to find military weapons wich were abundant and hunt other players down that was all, it turned out sometimes you spent lots of time wondering around and you would not find no one and the game turned out so boring... Now i found myself killing zombies for food because resources are so scarce and because they are a real threat now (specially the new viral ones they can infect you so easily) and you need to clear out tows of zombies to loot so this patch is a big win because you guys added a pve element to the game along with the existing pvp wich leaves us with more things to do ingame. Many congrats to you guys.
  4. Lol you are so full of BS, search in dayz commander there are barely servers now compared to 1.7.7.
  5. False read the patch notes, now they take 5 min to respaw so its possible to clear small tows.
  6. kumando

    New Zed mechanics

    U mad bro because zombies are no longer just a radar to spot players so that you can play COD?
  7. kumando

    New Zed mechanics

  8. kumando

    Brick's 1.7.7 Review

    Nice review beans to you good sir.
  9. kumando

    1.7.7 FPS

    I have terrible fps in the new patch compared to the previous, what about you guys?
  10. kumando

    Infection 1.7.7

    Only the new viral zombies infect you.
  11. kumando

    1.7.7 FPS

    Well what can i say my frames uesd to be better in the previous patch now theay are really low, my friens who play with me are also experiencing it and we have tried different servers and the issue remains :S
  12. kumando

    1.7.7 FPS

    R4Z0R249 will you guys do anything to improve the current fps?
  13. kumando

    1.7.7 FPS

    No im running 103718
  14. kumando

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Is zeds hearing reverted to
  15. Yeah just saw its a filter that must be updated by server side, my bad sorry.
  16. kumando

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    Is zeds hearing still reverted to R4aZ0r249? You removed it from the changelog, please tell me zeds will be challenging again in 1.7.7
  17. kumando

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    Cant he signe the files via internet?
  18. kumando

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    I dont understand this wait for rocket returns for the patch to be out, i mean are we in the internet age or back to the stone age?
  19. kumando

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    Yes im playing vanilla, so they aggro from far so what they are so easy to evade, whats the big deal?
  20. kumando

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    In case you didint noticed this is a zombie game so zeds should be the main threat, as mather of fact zombies are a joke in their current state, i cannott remenber the last time i got killed by zeds not even in wit their "super" sight and hearing like you say. If you thing zombies are hard you are seriously doing something wrong.
  21. kumando

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    Any ETA on this new patch?
  22. kumando


    Yeah but they will be removed again in the next patch, it seems they are not working as intended.
  23. kumando

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Hum maybe you should try call of duty, it has loads of weapons.