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About kumando

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  1. kumando

    Stable Update 1.22

    Any word on the shotgun bug fix?
  2. So will the bolt recovery from infected bodies will make it to stable?
  3. kumando

    Stealth kills bug

    Hey guys, since 1.16 im having a lot of trouble to perform stealth kills, anyone has had the same issues? And are the devs aware if so?
  4. With the latest changes in the food system introduced by patch 1.15, you can now run for hours without worrying about food and since there is food spawning in so many houses and zombies, what is the point of survival now? At least the devs should have reduced the food spawns and make you depend more on hunting, fishing, horticulture (these mechanics are completly uselss now) i dont like the direction this game is going lately, its turning away from survival heading more towardsto just another pvp shooter with some survival mechanics, what do you guys think?
  5. kumando

    Stable Update 1.15

    Is it me or from what i understood from the patch notes you last longer wihtout food and you lose less health when it flashes red?
  6. kumando

    Zombies ruin PVP

    This guy is clearly trolling, don't feed him.
  7. kumando

    Stable Update 1.14

    Dude are tou still here? You only cry on all your posts, have some positive feedback or move on.
  8. kumando

    Stable Update 1.14

    I disagree, if they incresead the up time of this zones, we should have an incentive to explore it or else these dynamic zones are completly useless.
  9. kumando

    Stable Update 1.14

    Changed: Spawning of high-value items across dynamic events, contaminated areas, and T4 areas Does this means that high tier loot spawns in dynamic zones also?
  10. What do you guys think of random static zones rotating between Rify, Pavlovo Base,Nwaf, Tisy and Myskyno Base, with two active static zones at all time.
  11. The artillery strikes are easy to explain lore wise, Chernarus is a quarantined zone and there are survivors trapped inside, outside nations are bombarding it to kill the infected, this makes sense in my way of thinking.
  12. kumando

    Why I don't play on official....

    How can one report cheaters?
  13. kumando

    1.12 Lots of food

    Once again theres food all over, why the devs had to change this again? It doesnt feel like survial anymore.
  14. kumando

    Zombies getting stuck and not aggroing

    But I'm playing on an official server, it shouldn't be happening.
  15. kumando

    Zombies getting stuck and not aggroing

    Don't need no trolls please.