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About Amorphis

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Bio

    My name is Toby. I am 20 years old and Im Irish. I love zombies im a fanatic known as a "Deadhead". I try to get a hold of every zombie book, comic, film, poster, mugs, tshirts, etc I can. Im such a fanatic that I actually keep all my zombie stuff in a coffin under my bed (No im not joking I can actually take a pic as proof.)Some Zombie books I enjoy are the "Twilight of the dead" and "Plague of the dead" sagas. (One of the books I own is actually worth up to nearly 1000 pounds as it is not being sold anymore. :D The zombie comics I enjoy are "The walking dead" series and also black gas . I enjoy a wide range of zombie films except resident evil and zombie land (I hate those films).
  1. Amorphis

    please ad kill rewards on the game

    Well played sir.
  2. Amorphis

    Idea how to make killing a harder choice

    The first time you kill another play at least in my experience was hard. Managed to kill a guy in Stary Sobor who was trying to kill me for no reason. I remember standing over his body asking myself why he open fired on me. I took a look at his gear and saw he had some really good equipment which made it worst. Felt like I had just murdered someone as this guy had clearly been living for a long long time and lost everything he achieved in that time. Then nearly every encounter I had with another player ended up the same. They always tried to kill me first. So now im part of a group of 10 people and we now just shoot on sight. Think of it like this. If you were living in a world where everyone and everything was out to kill you, wouldnt you shoot on sight too? Its certainly one of the more creative suggestions iv seen on this topic but imo the pvp is fine just the way it is. You'l even find some groups that role play and even mug people on the coast.
  3. Amorphis


    I think you'l see that I did.
  4. Amorphis


    Doesn't explain how my guy came back with totally different gear to what he had. He also did not leave the server.
  5. A friend of mine figured out he could move faster if he had nothing in his inventory at all. He keeps all his stuff in his backpack and he certainly does move faster when he does this. Try removing everything from your main inventory and see if you run faster. Way my friend tells it is the less you have in your main inventory the faster you run.
  6. Amorphis


    Had this happen to me the other. Our group killed a guy and his body disappeared. 1 minute later he is back in the same area with different gear. We managed to kill him again. The message popped up both times we killed him so I believe it is hack related. The guy managed to resurrect with different gear :/
  7. Amorphis


    Server this happened on: SK 1 Bratislava (v1.7.1.5/Beta 94444) [VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-6] * Time that it happened including your timezone: Around 18:00 GMT+0 * What happened during the incident Me and my friend Tom were looting the south west barracks in NW airfield. Tom and I see a player wearing a Ghillie suit and carrying a SAW. Tom managed to kill him and a message popped up saying "Sime was killed by Tom(friendly fire)". Then we waited near the barracks for the rest of our group to arrive when Tom got shot and killed by a DMR by a guy wearing a Ghillie suit around the same area we killed the first one. I panic and run off. The rest of my group arrives and DennisTheMess kills the guy with the DMR and again a message appeared saying "Sime was killed by DennisTheMess(friendly fire)" and his body immediately disappeared. So somehow this guy managed to resurrect himself and give himself a different weapon. Unfortunately we do not have any photos or videos of this event as none of us were recording at the time.
  8. Happened to me the other day aswell. Thinking it was a one off thing I put some Camo on again last night. After seeing that other people have the same problem I did a few days ago im now terrified of logging back into the game.