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Everything posted by Jimmars

  1. ''Non-combat items are too boring..'' I said to myself, while running the 3-hour marathon to NW-airfield. ''There need to be more items with some kind of point...'' So that brought me here, because as you can see I'm a fresh join. Think about your average lootspawn, what does it contain? Some empty cans, a set of road flares, maybe a clip. But what's missing here? Personal items of people long past! A picture, a poem, A musical instrument. Saved from the dead? The thing DayZ currently lacks is a fleshed out game world. Chernaraus has no personality, no soul. You never think about the people who lived in that house you just looted, do you? Say you find a trumpet, It doesn't bother you so you take it along on your journey, attempting to play songs using an interface (like a QWERTY combination?) while wandering the wastes. Remembering you of the time you looted it. Interactible items give players a connection to them, meaning that people will become more carefull as to protect that beloved trumpet, or rather not risk getting shot up, destroying that nice bell. Basicly, the world needs some fleshing out. And some fun items will really make that happen!
  2. Jimmars

    Tidbits, nicknacks and other fun items.

    Alternatively, giving players accesories like hairpins, or a nice necklace would also change things up.
  3. Jimmars

    There should be a bayonet for Lee Enfield!

    When the Lee Enfiel was designed, silencers didn't exist yet. nor was there a need for one. Trench warfare, you know?