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About Nosvartu

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Nosvartu

    Chernarus Heroes

    I think we need to get some Ranks implemented into the Clan. Its just a thought anyone else have an ideas?
  2. Nosvartu

    Trading DMR Or M4 CCO SD

    So as stated in the title i have my DMR with 2 mags up for trade would really like to get a L85A2 for it but willing to talk. and I would like offers on my M4 CCO SD Message me here or on Skype. "Nosvartu"
  3. Nosvartu

    Chernarus Heroes

    Is anyone here from the UK or online around UK time as i keep missing you guys when your online. Gimme a Pm or a message on Skype.
  4. Nosvartu

    Chernarus Heroes

    Name: Mike, "Nosvartu" Location: England Role: Hero Max Tell us about youself: Social gamer, who likes to help new people, play games to have fun with a serious aspect when needed. Think i'm abit of a joker but most likely not. easy going. Form of communication: Voice,Chat,Skype,TS,vent etc.... Why would you be suited for this role?:Ive been alive for 90 days now and ive been a hero for 70% of that, ive not killed in cold blood on this play though and don't plan to ill only fire unless fired upon, and i love to help bambies. (optional) Age?:19 "I also game on a new Alienware Laptop so i don't lag, i don't DC i get great FPS so ill always be ready to fight if needed.
  5. Nosvartu

    Hooked at 50

    Its amazing to think that some of you guys are the same age of my father "51" and your playing a game like this. Wish there were more players out there like Us who don't just want to kill people on sight, i worked hard to get my hero skin and i want to keep it, so if anyone would like some help or want to team up then Send me a message :). Mike.
  6. I logged in this morning to find gear for my mate and to my surprise i also have lost everything, yes i had AWESOME! gear. M4 CCO SD with 10 Mags, M9 SD with 4 Mags L85A2 AWS "using the SD mags in it" GPS,Map,Compass,Knife,Axe,matches,NVG,Rangefinders, antibiotics. Big coyote pack,Mountain dew,Stake. and other awesome stuff i might have missed the most annoying thing to me though is that i lost my 70 days + Survival time thats the biggest blow to me. i still have my hero Skin though which confuses me about dying surely i would just loose the skin upon death? Mike.