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Everything posted by jake_krieger

  1. jake_krieger

    Caught by some hentai Japanese players

    Would love to see more interaction with japanse people.
  2. jake_krieger

    DayZ Sound Design Test - Part 3 Final Added

    This is exactly what J.S.R.S does, but twats like Applejacks sabotage my attempts, to make this idea appealing to Rocket and the broader masses.
  3. jake_krieger

    [SA] Make the World less Static

    All restriction of the beautiful ARMA Engine and the design of the maps during development for ArmA II where such things were not needed.
  4. jake_krieger

    The sound thread

    J.S.R.S 100% best sound mod for any ARMA game to date. One of the most realistic sound envoirments in any game.
  5. Being a hardcore combat and suvival simulator to some degree , DayZ needs a player to be very aware of his envoirment and every information in his surroundings to react quickly and logical to potential dangers , like enemy players or possible zombies. Sound is an important aspect of this which is often ignored or at least underestimated. The J.S.R.S mod of it´s author Lord Jarhead takes this very aspect into account through improving the sounds and sound modulation which made this mod into one of the most popular for the ARMA series. Both for normal and Mil-Sim players. I write this because i want the Developers of DayZ to see this possibilty of working together with Lord Jarhead or hiring him to create a truly immersive, realistic and useful sound envoirment for DayZ Just watch these videos to get an impression : [^] [^]Some features of his work include : "The biggest feature is the "Distance script" that allows the mod to address different sound effects at different distances to the player. The scenario: If a shooter is 500 meters away, one extra tuned value sound for this distance will be played. This gives the impression of being far away of that shooter. There are also effects like the "First Person sounds" which giving the impression that the weapon is close to your face by adding mechanical extra sound effects which is only played when the player is playing in the first-person perspective. The same works for vehicles. When sitting as a passenger in an armed vehicle, you can hear the mechanical sounds of the weaponry. The latest addition to the J.S.R.S. Sound modification suite is the all-new "in-room script" which mixes an extra loud echo over the weapon effects when the player is inside a building and is firing his weapon. The effect results in the impression that you really are inside a building." Contact information for the author of the J.S.R.S Mod : E-Mail : [email protected] Contact : http://www.jsrs-studios.com/index.php/mail.html [^]
  6. Way to go, to undermine my efforts getting DayZ improved......
  7. jake_krieger

    This game will only be a niche .....

    This : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6o8x67ApM8 All your arguments are INVALID !
  8. jake_krieger

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    The recent updates and this update in particular really improve the Standalone to an almost presentable state :P With this rate we´re gonna be out of Alpha in no time , right guys :D ?
  9. jake_krieger


    Let me guess mark3236 , the way you got hold of a .50 BMG Cartridge for this hilarious purpose is that you are an US soldier stationed in south korea , right ?
  10. jake_krieger

    Pending Update Rev. 0.29.113822

    But is licking the battery even a real way to measure the charge ?