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Everything posted by bbob

  1. Never been in either, and I have done just fine. The longest I have been alive was 15 days and I have only really been killed because I have been careless. Going into either of those alone would be just that imho.
  2. It should just be impossible to spawn in near buildings, really. Say there is a 500m radius around objects with a certain ID, if a player logs out inside that zone, he will be moved to the nearest point on the circumference of the "no spawn" zone he is in. If the tents could be prevented from being erected near objects, then surely a similar thing could be done with spawning players. That would probably also facilitate the placement of invisible "dummy" objects that prevents players from spawning in certain high-tension zones, say the north-west airfield etc. Due notice should of course be given when aborting/loading the mission. "You logged out too close to a building and have been moved." A similar, but smaller, buffer zone could probably be added to players to make it impossible to spawn right on top of someone.
  3. bbob

    Freeside Trading Co.

    This sounds really, really cool. Will definitely keep an eye on this space.
  4. Calm the fuck down and be specific. Useless post: Shit sucks, wah wah drama wah. Useful post: Feature X is not working because of Y, specifically the "blah blah" goes "doo-doo" when I "derp derp". These tantrums does nothing but dilute the forums with your petulant, self entitled, whines. Instead of threatening to leave, please do so, you are making it difficult for the devs to locate the constructive critique.
  5. What he is saying is that the loopholes that the hackers use is in arma itself, which means he has to rely on BI to fix these issues. Luckily BI is also interested in providing the best possible product to their customers, which is why we just saw a flood of battleEye global bans. They are working on it, obviously. Do you honestly think that the developers don't give a shit? This isnt "Band Hero of Duty 42", chugged out at the bark of a publisher to get a better resume for a new job. Arma 2 is an independently developed and published game, a labour of love. Of course they want to give their customers the best possible experience. Reality check, guys.
  6. bbob

    First impressions

    Go prone if you are near zeds, you cant just crouch up to them and pet them like before. If you have them aggro on you, start sprinting immediately and try putting objects between you and them. Run through dense pine, zig-zag up steep hills: find the oblique angle sweet-spots where you can still sprint, then reverse horizontal direction while still going uphill. That means that the shortest route to you will be with an angle that limits them to walking. Its all about being resourceful. But I hear you, it is tough. This mod is about overcoming the challenges though, the difficulty only makes success that much more rewarding. Remember that everyone dies, its just a question of how long it takes and what kills you.
  7. Not only is it more realistic now, but more importantly its also a great mechanic - it gives players more to work for and makes us feel ridiculously vulnerable. PS: Please add deer stands to the same loot spawn class as the farms, it is far too easy to bounce between stands for high-end weapons. Assume that everyone knows where everything is. Obvious realism/player-intuition aside, it would be a better mechanic (imho) to force players to go to the high risk military positions for high end gear. As it stands, it is so much easier to loot a deer stand that has a decent chance of spawning an AK74 than it is to loot a barn that will only get you an enfield/winny at best.
  8. bbob

    My Issues with the 1.7.1 Changes

    I genuinely love this change, before the update it was easy as piss to loot a town full of zombies. Now I am very apprehensive about it, as it should be, really. BTW, it is not difficult to survive without a gun at all, its just a little harder than before. Don't expect to be able to loot Cherno, go for small villages that you can easily sneak into. "Meh, now I have to look for a gun before I can start shooting players for lulz" you say? Deal with it or get the fuck back to COD. This is a game where your success is measured by the days you have survived, not your fucking kill streak.
  9. bbob

    [VIDEO] no, no, no, no, no, no

    Gentlemen, I think we found a safe-word for meeting with friendlies :P
  10. bbob

    How well geared are you?

    Gavin, a free pro-tip: Imaginary advice is not very helpful, check the wiki, lol.
  11. bbob


    Check to see if you are even banned before trying to appeal a ban :P
  12. Yeah, I am aware that you are probably jumping through a lot of hoops behind the curtains, to make everything run as stable as it does now. Just out of curiosity, is it even possible to make player-dropped items despawn at different rates? I hope I didnt come across as self-entitled in my previous post, it was just very cool to stumble across signs of life.
  13. YES 20 words: We need something that let people trust others again. Random encounters are less exciting now that the default is "kill". Brevity is the enemy of content. A little elaboration follows: While this feature seems subtle enough, I would prefer if some sort of mechanic was introduced that would motivate players to cooperate IN SPITE of trust issues. The tension of these moments should not go away, there should never be a surefire way of identifying intentions in the absence of a dead body etc. The IV mechanic is a good example of this kind of thing, but I would personally like to see more of this kind of stuff. Maybe some sort of "button needs to be continually pushed for gate to open"-thing or "use player as ladder to get to otherwise inaccessible area". Lame examples, but you get my drift.
  14. Finding cans lying about was incredibly spooky. I really hope you will consider making this happen again, Rocket. Even if it disappears very shortly after it is dropped. I'd much rather see nothing spawning in barns than seeing a bunch of randomly spawned empty cans. This is one of these things that can connect you to other players without even seeing or hearing them, which is a pretty huge deal about what makes this mod great. A suspiciously slim loot pile, a dead zombie, a door that is usually open now closed etc. While I like your "heartbeats means bandit" idea, it is these little things that induce the genuine physical response that nail this thing down as something special. Free-roaming is part of the success, obviously. But dealing with real, sentient, beings that could both potentially end you or save you is really why this mod is something special imho.
  15. bbob

    Shooting players causes gear to break.

    I really like this idea, it would discourage shooting at sight. I wonder if be possible to add a probability to randomly destroy an item in the backpack/active inventory if the players torso is hit by a bullet. That shouldnt warrant any hitbox modification.
  16. bbob

    Semi Perma Death.

    Meh, I dont mind losing my gear but I would like to stay on the same server as my friends instead of either making them switch server or going to play on my own even though I happen to be online with my friends. This is not because I want a competetive edge over anyone, but rather that I like to share the dayz experience with my mates. IMHO you are losing sight of what the problem is, which is the fact that you can effortlessly pick up the items that you spent hours collecting just by legging it across chernarus for 10-20mins. Counter-proposal: Make it impossible to loot your own dead body. Of course there would still be ways to get a hold of your stuff again, but it would become a major pain in the ass.
  17. I personally think that graphical fidelity/style should be an extension of the gameplay, something that enhances, reinforces or informs the experience. On that background, I think that Arma II's Chernarus is perfect for DayZ. The realistic depiction of this world is great for immersion and the detailed environment makes it a challenge to spot players, who makes an effort to conceal themselves etc. A more crude, simplified audio-visual style might well detract from this. But it all depends on how it's done, though. Some artists can do incredible things even within very tight constraints. Pretty =/= Technically elaborate
  18. (Tentatively) YES Its an alpha, this is the time to try out these ideas. If it genuinely turns out to be shit, you can always roll back. This community is a pack of masochists anyway; social experiment and all that crap. :P @Trust-thing: I definitely would not shoot an unarmed person, I might even give them supplies that I dont need. Currently I just stay the hell away from people I don't know. What word limit?
  19. bbob

    Player Journals

    I really hope this gets implemented. But personally I would prefer to not have anything automated in the Journals, because then it would just become a way for people to gather metrics on where people usually go etc. Not that that would be a bad thing as such, but it would pre-empt a format rather than being a true sandbox feature. If it is just a clean slate where people can write anything they feel like, then it has the potential to really be something special, rather than a chronology with an optional comment. @Redz: The humanity would be the words on the pages, whereas the humanity-meter is just a number. It might turn out to be a useful statistic for some feature in the future, but I don't think it would be very relevant in a journal. I would much rather like to know why people got those murders. Was he just farming items, or was he just too scared to take any chances? Does the murders even matter to him, or is there something more pressing he would like to leave for posterity?
  20. Nope, I wouldn't. The only scenario where I might consider it is if I found him following me, but if the person has not spotted me; I am not shooting no matter what gear he has. I've survived exactly a week so far doing this. Even passed a group of three idiot bandits camping out in the open as well as a generous handful of occasions where survivors have passed me without even knowing. Another, rather more tense, moment was when me and two friends encounted a newbie survivor in a barn we wanted to raid. Rather than attempting to gut him for being in our way, we spaced out with all guns on the entrance, telling him to get the feck out and not aim his gun at us. If he had, he would have been dead before he could pull the trigger. The result? He legged it as did we in the other direction, covering our retreat every 500m's for 2km's. Not a single shot fired to alert Z's/bandits, but the situation was still defused with minimal risk to us.