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About Nogaxeh

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  1. Nogaxeh


    You didn't exactly get yourself off to a good start, never asked you to pucker up and kiss my arse either.. Just noted a rather odd coincidence which turned out to be badluck.. Wait.. what was it you said?
  2. Nogaxeh


    Yeah, well... better to spend a few minutes investigating false claims, and finding out things are legit than to ignore it and discover later that your admins have been ruining the game experience for everyone else. Thanks for checking it out.
  3. Nogaxeh


    Hahaha.. you think I really give a fuck about the boat? Or anything else I had for that matter..? It just seemed a rather convenient time to restart the server.. and just so you know, there was another restart not long after that again.. 2 server restarts (or connection losses, or whatever the fuck they were) in the space of an hour? And, really... are people really making this shit up all the time? Then it's possibly a good idea to check your logs... just.. in.. case.. So, here I am.. giving a heads up about possible admin abuse.. and you decide you couldn't give a fuck (fair enough)... but you choose to be a dick about it? Seriously? I'm not going to question your age.. nope.. no need for me to do that at all.. you seem to be digging your own hole there.. And, hey, if it was a legit server restart, then fine, fair enough.. my bad luck I guess..
  4. Nogaxeh


    Wasn't my boat.. was theirs.. Nice that the er.. the server host is it? Doesn't give a fuck about possible admin exploitation on your servers... Hope you and your buddies have a nice swim back from the island!
  5. Nogaxeh


    Here something funny happened to me today at around 5p.m AEST (+10 GMT).. I was stuck on the island on the southeast for the last few days, logged onto ANZ2 today, and low and behold I discovered 3 other people there, so instead of engaging them, I looked for their boat and escaped. I managed to make it back to the mainland, but just as a got there, the server restarted, putting me out in the ocean. Bad form ANZ2. Bad fucking form.
  6. Well, well, well... what a fantastic turn of events! You boys can keep the ATV (you'll need it more than me now) you ambushed us for the other day, nice play by the way! I'll tell you now, I didn't actually care or know who you were the other day, but seeing the trouble you went through to set-up that ambush, I thought I would return with my trusty tool-box in hand! That was me, by the way, who tore down part of your fence, and cleaned up the inside of that building you wired.. you really are a little messy.. impressive work on the fence though.. I'm glad your boy showed up and shot me when he did, I would have been there all day and night picking it apart.. and trust me, I would not have stopped until it was all gone :D oh yeah.. I guess I have another confession to make as well.. http://i.imgur.com/9FdEY.jpg You were right! Taking stuff that isn't yours is soooooo much easier than finding it yourself.. and all the more satisfying when it's bandit stuff.. Elysium - 1x ATV Nogaxeh - 2x Night Vision, 1x Range Finder, 1x Coyote backpack, 1xGPS, 2x Ghillie Suits, 1xM14 Aim, 1xL85A2 AWS, and there was one other gun as well.. but I cannot remember the name of it.. Chalk one up for the survivors boys! Haha.. I dedicate these tears to Rocket :P
  7. Nogaxeh

    Incorrect Version ??

    I'm having the same issue as you, seems to be a beta patch issue, Six launcher doesn't want to auto-update, and even manually updating I still seem to be a the previous beta patch.. :( **Edit** It seems to be an issue with the latest Arma II beta patch, I used 6 updater, and it never downloaded the new patch. I did it manually (twice) and the patch does not seem to "stick" it keeps going back to the previous patch, I checked the files in the directory, and the ones relevant to the patching process all indicate that today was the last time they were modified... Anyone else had this problem in the past? Any ideas what may be going wrong or how to fix it? I found a solution http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?90317-!Beta-Troubleshooting-Tips-FAQs to do that go to your \Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion delete the beta file there and manually re-install the beta patch.. problem solved..
  8. Yes! But as it was pointed out, we cannot be left defenseless! If Melee weapons could be implemented somehow they should be great for taking out other players caught off guard, but terrible for attacking Zeds..
  9. Nogaxeh

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    No more getting smacked through my brick fortress by a Zed! Lurvely :D Also looking forward to seeing the new Zed animations :D Now all we need is tents.. well, there is probably many other things... but tents would mean I could finally choose a home server :D
  10. Do what you gotta do Rocket... If people take what you say to heart and somehow let it ruin their day, that is their problem... Eventually they will get thick-skinned and not start crying about how "That man said things". Your doing them a favour by introducing them to realities they are over-sensitive about. Good Job! Keep on being you mang! To the rest of you... dear mother of god... be a little more succinct in your posts... some of these are a mile long... It'd be near impossible to keep up with the wall of texts..
  11. My only issue with bandits is that they are not very imaginative... that is all.. Yeah, sure, some of them may have skill.. but getting the jump on another player and shooting him dead before he sees you without any social interaction or plot? That is not skill... that is luck.. Now, Bandits with imagination... ahh.. that would be glorious.. hopefully we will see more of it after the removal of the bandit skin... Bandits who just bang bang your dead, they are boring... If one of them takes me out I give a fuck for all of about as long as it takes for me to respawn... a bandit with balls though, one that can successfully trip me up, and make me shit my pants for a while.. those are the ones I respect..
  12. Nogaxeh

    HOTFIX Rollng Update

    You should probably stop playing it until it's out of ALPHA. and maybe you should stop being a dick im aware the game is an alpha but the latest issues are quite severe in comparison to the previous alpha state Chances are though too, that at some point a new build could even reset everyone... hahaha... Watch this place explode with angry deluded people then... Rocket would need to start bottling some of those tears for future moments of retrospect..