Was playing on this server and at around 1pm CST, a person with a helicopter flew to my location. He landed and demanded I get in. He flew me to the large airfield and told me to get out. I was then sniped in the head. Bad luck? Just stay away from the airfield? I thought so. Until a moment later after I had restarted the entire server was teleported to the airfield and we were all told to drive the vehicles by a guy named BILLY BOB. He then proceeded to shoot us all. Restart again. Mass teleport a moment later back to the airfield. Start running. BILLY BOB opens fire on everyone. Entire airfield full of burning vehicles. Place is on fire. Restart again. Mass teleport into bus. Legs broken. Tired of playing this. Leave. Come to forums. 1PM. US 416. BILLY BOB mass teleporting and killing everyone. He had 720+ kills by the time I left the server.