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Everything posted by Karmaterror

  1. Karmaterror

    Balze 95 is garbage

    From that story it sounds like the M4 sucks worse lol Desync/lag me thinks
  2. Karmaterror

    Green Mountain

    I think it all came from a you tube vid of some "strange broadcasts" supposedly picked up in the area, although the first time I went there in the mod a white GAZ pulled up with 3 armed players that tried to kill me.....so maybe it is cursed :)
  3. Karmaterror


    I made a very similar suggestion a while ago, and with them mentioning "soft skills" in the roadmap I hope they go this route. The way I had it was you could learn to do something from reading a book for a while, and it would show as a status in your inv (like hunger) then degrade over time until when you try to do it it says "you cannot remember how t do this" and you have to read the book for a while again. If someone had a rare book, it could be passed around the group to get everyone trained up. Maybe would be cool if with the book in hands, and you on full green for the skill to get a "teach*insert skill here*" context menu option. Then its much reduced time to learn the skill for a friend. Also would promote interaction and teamplay, if only 2 of you are trained to fix helos....and the guy with the book is offline, you best keep those 2 safe I could see it giving them a purpose and making them valuable, also gives survival a knowledge aspect, after all....knowledge is power! :)
  4. There was no mod coding in SA....ever....it was all recoded to work serverside and were completely new systems compared to there mod counterparts. Player models are new....all clothing...is new....clothing didn't even exist in the mod. When you swapped to a ghillie it literally remover your PMC toon from the world, spawned a "US sniper" and put all your gear onto that model....it was an illusion of a cloths change. Sure the map has the same locations, but even the ones left look nothing like they did in the mod....in the mod there were only so many enterable;e buildings 80% had no interiors. There are new tree models and the terrain is changing every patch..As for clouds....there were no dynamic clouds in themod and no setting to adjust them.....new So, now you know, the only thing you could really say that was reused was the map. And even then on day on of alpha it had changed so much in the way locations look and amount of enterable buildings it couldn't really ne called the same map. Me thinks Its you tat should do some research before "spouting off at the mouth" lol
  5. Hmmm that could be an issue, I might have even herd of this prob before. I doubt you have been banned, you would know why if that happened, and im sure BE kicks with a message that you are banned. Have you tried just booting your comp first, joining a server then have your bro boot up and try and follow you. If he cant at least that would confirm its because of two people trying to connect. If it still don't work for you then its a prob on your end somewhere. To update BE manualy.. Go here http://www.battleye.com/index.html Click downloads tab Grab the dayz file Copy paste it to C\Program Files 86>Steam>steam apps>common>dayz>battleye (may have to overwrite the existing one) Hope that works, if not im afraid im all outa ideas on this one, maybe when some mods get online they can give ya more info :)
  6. Are you trying to join empty servers? sometimes they empty because no one can connect. Could try, verifying game files through steam right click on game in library>properties>local files>verify integrity of game cache Did battleeye update when you launched and make you agree to terms of service? If not I think there is a way to manually update it, would have to google that one though. Failing all that id try a reinstall, or ask a mod to move this to troubleshooting as that's where your most likely to get the peeps in the know commenting :)
  7. Karmaterror

    Wheres the watch?

    Js been playing again for first time in a while and I was thinking too myself. We have all the basic survival stuff in now, knifes, canteens, compasses, maps, binoculars......wheres the watch at though, running my way between two towns in the dark and id love to know what server time is right now lol
  8. I wonder if anyone ever force fed a captive human flesh, then let him go. Him having to explain why he laughs so much to the next person he meets lol
  9. If you were in from the start you will know what a bare bones shell they started in, here are just a few things we didn't have.. Animals Fires Cooking Hunting Zombies that obeyed the laws of physics...now they even obey doors...BONUS! :D Temp system Wet system A tonne of items Crafting Fishing A tonne of towns and buildings Vehicles That's a lot on its own, and is only gameplay not engine/server related (ie 64bit server implementation), and I know there is stuff iv left out. As for servers just spend a good hour of one night finding a couple good ones if you pub player or a nice private home (private shards^^). Fave them and bingo, always good server. Sure might drop at the end of the month but hey you safe for a few weeks. They did say that as it progressed in development it would go up in price. As illustrated its progressed quite a bit, and the end of the first year even seems a sensible time to do it. Also coincides with a big milestone in the vehicles. If your getting killed/dying not really getting to try many of the features I can understand your frustration. Even by doing this though you are helping test the game. Not every aspect of alpha testing is "fun" but is always in some way helpful. Maybe this is right, but don't think of it as an insult, just a statement... Either way insinuating the devs aren't "showing you something in return" because they are actually making progress on the game itself, instead of enabling a respawn button or typing up some tooltips is a bit low IMO
  10. Karmaterror

    Wheres the watch?

    lastMPServer=""; lastMPServerName="SilentRoma^s world (private shard, persistence off)"; I been playing on that one earlier tonight, not hell of a lot of players, but my ping was excellent...32(from UK)...saw a guy with 12! 1pp only aswell ;)
  11. Karmaterror

    Wheres the watch?

    Yep... Server restarted.....middle of day....boooo, still would be nice even for immersion, and knowing when its going to go dark :)
  12. Karmaterror

    Compass Direction

    They all gonna start pointing to green mountain the longer your logged in :)
  13. True they have been at it for 2 years...but that's was a very uncertain 1st year. They had been taken on by bohimia but really who could know if all the hype would lead to sales. I think they were testing the water a bit when they released early access, and fans (including me) applied forum pressure for us to get involved with testing. When they did get it out there and it got so many sales they had to rethink things, they decided to take over another studio to work on AI, and made a lot of additions to the roadmap. Its not like they decided to slap a finished sticker on it 6 months later and say thanks for the cash, they re invested into the project. Now im not a high flying executive but I can imagine the logistics of taking over another studio, training new team members ect would take some time. As you pointed out tents have only been in 2 months, a new feature in a game that's in development is bound to be buggy. But that's what you signed up for though, not a polished gameplay experience, to see features develop from concept to finished. Also to give you the chance to give feedback and help the devs. Its possible for scripts to conflict with each other, so that's when something new comes out it may break an old feature. They would fix it strait away but then a week down the line a new feature might break it again. Its better for them not to play cat and mouse with every update but get all the features in...then fix them, that way they don't get broken again later. Most games do all this behind closed doors, with dayz you can watch and even play the dev builds as it happens :) PS No rant, just trying give info :)
  14. Karmaterror

    How many Trucks on one server?

    I'm thinking 1....2 at most per server for the V3S come full release. Maybe 15-20 vehicles max per server, including land sea and air, rest should all be wrecks....maybe that we can salvage a part from or something, but not drivable ones. 6-7 of 1 vehicle sounds crazy to me. Maybe for testing yeah throw some more in, maybe even enough to represent the total vehicle count. Then as development goes on each V3S could be replaced by the new vehicle out, and have its spawn changed. Then we slowly transition to a full vehicle list over time and the devs get stress test data running the right amount of vehicles per server :)
  15. Karmaterror

    Zombie Hoards?

    Don't worry devs have said from the start they want more zombies, they said they could run thousands in dev builds with no loot. But as zombies and loot all count towards the servers item cap they will have to balance it out. I don't see them doing that till they are feature complete (that includes refined AI like boneboys said) and a lot of optimising has been done. They need know what engine performance is like with all features and the engine upgrades, then they can accurately find out just how many zeds they can run. So yeah don't worry, they on it. One day im sure we will see mod numbers, if not more :D
  16. Karmaterror

    Punish 'Stuffed'?

    All for dereced run speed when stuffed, i had to ask the forums early on because i read it as a debuff at first....it seemed logical. If i feel stuffed for real that means feeling tired and so full i dont wanna move. Id like the 2 stages to indicate full...then stuffed, full having no effect and then stuffed being a debuff...like run speed^ :)
  17. Karmaterror

    Fresh spawn after every server change

    I dosent wipe your toon.... unless.... you play for a while and the hive receives an update with that new spawn data. Log out immidiatly so it cant send any info....log back in (same server) all will be fine. That's never failed for me, and what Judopunch said, Its to do with the server start up procedure :)
  18. Karmaterror

    So... the sky... at night....

    A bit of a jazzed up sky would be nice. The one we have now feels more like it was built for function than looks....to train people to nav from the stars. In dayz they could retain the realism but touch it up a bit to look more realistic. I feel I should point out quite how dark it is in that "real" shot though....the trees are nothing but black shapes...we need to keep that kind of night lighting otherwise it would be unrealistic and kinda ruin the effect of a touched up skybox :)
  19. Karmaterror

    Pimped V3S

    That's very very cool indeed....hope this is what the devs are thinking when they say vehicle customisation :) That friendly sign on the front sets it off brilliantly....maybe one for bandits aswell that just says "move or die!" or maybe if they just create a "spray" font and let us write whatever we want on it :)
  20. Karmaterror

    Zombie Designs

    This would be cool, get the modders involved early and let them help take a job off the devs hands. They could cherry pick the best skins for ingame. It seems to fit with the bohimia "mod the shit out of it" type ethos, kinda like those make arma not war comps on A3. Have some beans :)
  21. Karmaterror

    some suggestions to cars

    Or use that rear trunk to hide in and let them drive you back to there camp :D Never made it work but I hid in the golf boot and got driven round for nearly 40mins before they realised :)
  22. Karmaterror

    boiling water and catching rain

    For a bigger version to keep at camp I agree it should be hard to craft and require a few materials like, tarp, and some lengths of wood...maybe rope aswell. I feel there should be a generic "easier" way to just fill bottles quickly (like the funnel) You could use buckets to collect rainwater then fill a bottle from them, or use them to bring water to your camp if its not rained in a while. Empty the bucket into your big tarp rain collecter style. But if the bucket has anything in it, to move it you should have to hold it in your hands. We could find camps whith people running buckets of water around, or use the bucket and funnel to fill a car radiator, or transport fuel, but with carrying it it has drawbacks over a jerry can for fuel or canteen for water :)
  23. Karmaterror

    Dayz Rave - Friendly for 1 night

    That's just mean! *passes Groover bunch of grenades and duct tape* :)
  24. Karmaterror

    boiling water and catching rain

    I agree with this maybe it shouldn't be too elaborate. How about buckets and maybe those funnels for fuelling cars. You could drag the funnel to the empty bottle and "create rain catcher"....then same as with a bottle now but takes a lot less time :)
  25. Karmaterror

    This game and trust go good together

    If there is more that one of you I have one word.....OVERWATCH :) This is the one most basic way to have the upper hand, you leave one (or 2) of your group in the treesand then one goes and meets, the one or two that meet don't mention the other member of your group and he reacts to any untoward behaviour. After the meet and greet is out of the way (and this relies on persistence and camps to be more fleshed out) the levels of trust begin. First you play together for a few nights. Then if yyou still trustthem reveal a campsite.....this should not be your main campsite! make it a small one with some medium tier gear in it. If after a week of so they have proved they will share, contribute, and are trustworthy reveal your main camp with top tier loot. Theres always the chance you will get backstabbed and tbh while out and about there isn't a great deal you can do beyond observation/reaction speed to protect yourself from a backstab. And with the game in this stage its a lot more bitter IMO, when camping and basebuilding come it you will be a lot more protected againt it, with a lot more tools to out the backstabbers. But that's the fun of dayz....and where the tension comes from. I could do all my little checks, spend a month developing a player.....only to have them destroy my camp and take my vehicles. And I wouldn't have it any other way :D