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Everything posted by Karmaterror

  1. Karmaterror

    Bloom setting in .cfg

    Cheers just wanted make sure....have a bet going...if I can get it to a playable frame rate hel buy it. So we have installed from my steam account and we getting there :)
  2. Sorta, the issue was they were using scripts for evvvvverything. Without having access to code features directly into the engine. Now they do have that full access and instead of a compilation of scripts running over a base game we have the features properly hard coded into the engine. Also they can change things to make a feature work where as with the mod they had A2, scripts and the editor to work with :)
  3. Karmaterror

    2 minutes that sums up this game...

    Its a shame IMO that more players don't look past the guns and shooting people. Personally I think its because that's the default setting 99% of games out there promote. C'mon guys think outside the box....don't conform to what Hollywood tells you is cool explosions and headshots. Here we have a brilliant moment in dayz, appreciating it for something other than killing. The guy that shot you got less than a second of entertainment, if he had spoken you both could have admired the scene, come away with a story to tell of the friendly fisherman, and maybe even some fish! That's way more bang for your buck than shooting what is essentially a practice target.....hell if that's what they wanna do I recommend Arma 2 editor and some pop up targets....its about the same skill level lol :)
  4. Good info for devs and players...have some beans PS loving those bright yellow shoes :D
  5. Karmaterror

    12 Dayz of Christmas

    I cant decide between 4th and 5th.....mmmmmmm.... 5th! its just so heavenly sounding :)
  6. Karmaterror

    Charicter Feedback Brainstoming Thread

    I agree, and in a way the status messages deliver the info in the fastest way....dosent take long to realise your hungry IRL. But they are just so intrusive, I mean they get rid of global chat...then spam me with messages every few mins/seconds lol. I would be happy if they left the statuses in the inv screen and ditched the messages. But some things would need a bit of explination, that's where they could use audio and visual ques. Like the cold status will show up in inv eventually, but if your observant you can see it happening and stay on top of it :) That's cool about the limping finally arriving. Hope they do one for the arm aswell. And yeah defo overheating should dehydrate quicker :)
  7. Karmaterror

    Jumping Out Windows.

    I really like this, ws on the ground floor of a house and there was a window I could clearly have just vaulted out of to get out if needed. Maybe it could just apply to appropriate windows ie fully broken and ground floor only. For immersion maybe let us do it out of higher broken windows aswell, then bandits can make people jump, suicide option....mistake/learning curve laughs ect. Imagine walking through Cherno and suddenly see a bambie thrown out of the top window of the hospital, then some crazy bandit leans out the window...looks at you...and says "your next" lol
  8. Karmaterror

    make gunshots louder?

    I too think they should be louder, I remember in the mod you could hear an as50 shot in about a 1km radius.....maybe more. I remember approaching electro from the west and being able to hear the snipers on the hill letting rounds off on the mod. Caboose has a point though, there is fixing to be done before what I would class as "balancing" by adjusting the sound volume :)
  9. If it happens again touch nothing but escape then log out. Then log back in, if you haven't got ya gear back try again. As I understand it some servers have problems connecting to the central hive. When it cant retrieve your data it dumps you on the beach as a freshy. It seems to be a game of waiting for the server to re establish that connection to the hive. Also restarts are a bit dangerous atm because of the server start up. So if its rest give it a good 10 mins before you try to get bk on. Try not to be the first one on aswell as you technically "start" the server by joining. With no players on it I think it lies dorment until someone joinsand kick starts the procedures. If you do get rest then start running round what happens is the server regains connection to the hive and transmits your current char data, that then overwrites the old stuff. That's why its important to get out without doing anything. Hope that helps a little :)
  10. Karmaterror

    12 Dayz of Christmas

    You scrooge, I should shot you with "four Mak-e-rov" and then run you over with "fiiivvveee UUUU AAAAA ZZZZZ" :D
  11. Karmaterror


    So strange....read this thread before deciding to log in....first house I loot.....white balaclava :D
  12. Heres SOME of the buildings they added interiors to....keep in mind this is just the pick from the first 3 pages of a 10 page object building list from Arma2 I even left a few out of the pick of those 3 pages. This alone is a big job, to go through all those models adding interiors from scratch. You had the illusion of a cloths change in the mod. When say you changed from a survivor skin to a ghillie what happened was... This fully textured unit(bar hands and face, they were left for picking skin colour ext) was deleted from the game world.... Then this fully textured ghillie guy was spawned in its place... Then your gear was applied to that model. Now we have a constant model that we can drag stuff on and off of, that's the new tech side of it ;)
  13. Karmaterror

    Why is tank for gasoline is large?

    That's pumped fuel....ne electricity....no pumps...time to do it the old fashioned way lol Im sure we will see fuel containers in other sizes. The mod had that little 5L one, great for bikes and atvs that don't require much fuel. These big jerrys would never go inside your pack.....maybe you could just about get it in, but there would be next to no room to pack other gear as it would stretch your bag around it. When I did my survival training they were always carried by hand, they could have been strapped to the back of our packs but when we tried it it was nearly impossible to stand up with the pack :)
  14. Meh must just be me, id rather survive from black and white blurry screen and build myself up to healthy than just take a respawn. Its all about the story of that guy to me, what adversity did he have to overcome to get all the way north. If I just loot up and get up north without much resistance (zed or player) I count it as a boring run ;)
  15. Please post a screen cap of this player model in the A2 editor then please. Player mpdel was still new....no arma player model could let you remove or apply cloths. They were all single complete textured units that had to be actually swapped out to change cloths. This was a new model with new tech allowing for proper cloths items to be added and removed. So not only was it a new model it was new tech! Yes the buildings are the same EXTERNALY, they made hundreds of new INTERIORS is the point your missing. In the mod we couldn't enter a hell of a lot of those houses. Not to mention they rearranged and dressed up every town....have you even played the SA??
  16. Karmaterror

    Strange crash

    Whats happened is that I found a gorka helmet and a facemask....it applied them to the main menu char. I later dropped them both The main menu char now loads with the mask and helmet every time (including the other gear I had when I found them) This is when I first boot the game. Then when I play and exit the server, it crashes. I thinkit goes to load the menu background, then a conflict with current gear and the saved menu gear (caused by either the mask or helmet) and even neo cant stop the matrix collapsing in on itself :(
  17. This is not a survivor mentality!! If you get hit and start bleeding persist! Keep punching for the head and it will die, quickly run to cover and tear up your t shirt into rags then bandage. Keep tearing any unecesary clothing you find to keep supply of rags up while eating and drinking anything you can find. Never give up, fight till your last breath, iv survived some freshy runs where I thought I was doomed very early on :)
  18. Karmaterror


    I work in the motor trade and even when we have worked on the exact model car before w still have to glance at the Haynes manuals from time to time to remember how something is fitted or how it comes off. Books are a natural way of learning new things, and re reading good for memory. Im not saying it shouldn't require the right tools, but I could give you the correct set of tools to repair a heli, just because you have them dosent mean you can fix it. The tools are only half the equation, the knowledge of how to use them is the other half. One without the other dosent work ;)
  19. Aim for the head, headshot will knock it down and keep punching for the head as it gets back up. I usually find they get up 2 or 3 times then die. Is theres 3 it could be a little tricky,try running into a house and closing the door behind you. You can punch through the windows but the zeds can sometimes get ya through the walls so be carefull, I find the little sheds good for hiding in and punching them :)
  20. Evidence plox, I can give you hard evidence to every point I made in that post. Your trolling scores a measly 6/10 :P
  21. Karmaterror


    That's exactly what books and skills would work....we would all start off the same and what we find would determine how powerfull you are. If the whole point is to slowly shift the balance of power in your favour then skills from books fits perfectly. Don't see how it not being BF or COD is at all relevant, they don't have skills you learn from books. They have levelling systems that I said (and in the post you quoted) that I wouldn't want anything like that. You would shift the balance in your favour.....as you do with gaining the energised ststus, but as with everything dayz getting it is one thing, maintaining it another. That's why I think they should degrade, nothings forever in dayz, why should skills be?
  22. Karmaterror

    Essex Rifles Server

    Wheres that its a trap gif....
  23. Karmaterror


    The things i think we could learn from books would include Helicopter repair Vehicle repair (things like fuelling and wheels changes would require no skill) Skinning and gutting animals Crafting Bows Sure theres more i cant think of right now. But noones saying leveling up or any of that crap, i wouldnt want that either. Just gaining the ability to do something an average joe wouldnt know in a realistic way, like reading how to do it :) PS im for any skill you earn degrading over time, i think its a great way to maintain a balance in player skills and not let anyone become too overpowered
  24. If your in the game looking for survival mechanics then now its well above the mod. A temp system you actuall have to pay some attention to, much more in depth food and drink system and better hunting, now the animals behave with a little self preservation, it needstweeking a bitpre release but its much more immersive than a boar running a perfctly strait line while you swing away with your hatchet. If its zombies you want then not worth it yet, they are still sparse and on a prototype navmesh (but working very well from my experience past couple of days). Cornered couple of zeds in houses and locked myself inside wth zeds outside, lot of fun now they cant open doors. Its all about patience, if you have it buy now and justplay a bit while they build it. If not (and you dont mind paying a bit more) wait for full release. Always remember whenever you buy in you wont have to pay again later for the full game. Personally i got no problems with dev speed, they spent a year getting the cloths system, building interiors, food and drink systems and basic balistics systems. Then opened it up and have done nearly everything they promiced for first year except basebuilding implementation. But stuff like hunting, temp, navmesh, animals ect they delivered on, these are core mechanics needed for dayz gameplay :)
  25. Karmaterror

    random deaths, random deletes

    Hahaha that should be the offical new explination for the floor glitch :D