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Everything posted by Karmaterror
Will the SA actually be a zombie game?
Karmaterror replied to mrgrendel's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I think everyone should remember dayz never started out to be a "zombie" game. It was purely a survival mod....that was the vision. But rocket himself said that the zombies were added to make it more "mainstream". With that in mind I think its only right that the survival elements take priority over the zombies. But I wouldn't worry too much, they have already tried a couple of pathfinding improvements, and now they are working on making them behave properly indoors, and stopping them hitting trough walls (well that's the last I heard anyways). Once the network bubble thingy is sorted and we get the no zeds alpha, they will have all the time in the world to make the zeds great :D -
Wiping wounds stops infection?
Karmaterror replied to Karmaterror's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Ahh I see, its the first time iv had the chance to try the wipes since the update. So I was unsure how the whole thing worked. A small question tho.....Say I got the infection message....bandaged up and moved on. But before I start loosing blood I find some wipes. Would they still have the same effect or would it have to be done in proper order...wipe....then bandage? -
Why are people complaining that SA is not coming out soon?
Karmaterror replied to rooniedoo's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Got to agree with Inception, every time the smallest bit of new info, or new development is announced for dayz the hype train starts up again. Its become a thing every few weeks lol. You can always tell when "dayz" in google brings up news results before this site.....then when it calms down this takes top spot again. Well...until the next bit of news :) -
What country are you in? If in UK check out Cyberpower. Had my last rig from them and it was brilliant, you can specify every part and taylor it to your budget. But for 1-2 grand I think you will be on pretty top of the range stuff. Its worth researching each part one by one and deciding on whats best. I wouldn't go into a highstreet store and ask for a gaming rig though. Best to find an online specialist imo :)
Wiping wounds stops infection?
Karmaterror replied to Karmaterror's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Well its been over an hour now and I haven't started loosing blood :D. Looks like if you wipe the wound that caused the infection before bandaging, it cures it. I think the broken bone was a random coincidence that it happened on the same hit as the infection :) -
Why are people complaining that SA is not coming out soon?
Karmaterror replied to rooniedoo's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
just to play devils advocate here, there are some valid concerns about how long its taking. Im not saying were entitled to have now....right now....and not a moment later lol. As people have said it will arrive when it arrives. But will that be so long down the line that its lost so many players that its DOA. Or could the torrent of survival games appearing in the wake of dayz actually beat SA to the punch, and throw out a good title. I didn't know that its supposed to be out by the end of the year, but that's good news. I think real fans of dayz will buy SA even if it takes 2 more years...but the casual gamers may have tired of the mod and moved on. And those casual gamers are what us vets will need to sustain the game. We need newbies to teach, bambies to help, and newbie KoS players to keep it interesting. If its just full of vets could end up as just clan wars. The phrase "Strike while the iron is hot" comes to mind. Don't get me wrong here im a big dayz fan, and will be buying SA, but we don't want dayz turning out like that duke nukem game....years of hype...for a flop. Its been pointed out to me befor that the only person with anything really invested in this is rocket, and where we may be a bit disappointed, it would be much more for him. That's completely right, and exactly why I say these things. I don't want us, but more importantly rocket, disappointed. And yes....I have been called a pesamist befor now lol....but I like to think of myself as a realist ;) -
Good Idea, but I think the zeds should always chase animals....even un-injured ones. Not only would it be awesome to see a chicken run for its life trough stary....but wouldn't it be realistic. I mean the zeds want meat, they don't care what type, so why not eat the animals. This could also make animals more rare....maybe sometimes you have to defend a cow from zeds for the right to eat it. Or if you see some zeds feasting on an animal corpse you could clear em out and take some.....all be it with a major risk of infection. Wounding an animal when you have a train though would lure at least a portion of them away from you, just as in op....maybe the blood looks more tastey....maybe they smell it....or maybe there preditorial instinct tells them that the wounded, bleeding, animal is an esier meal.
Ok hope I got this right....neg mouse accel is slowing the speed of toon rotation if the mouse is moved quickly? If that's right then I say leave it in. I love the arma 2 engine and little things like that are (to me) what defines it from every other shooter where you can swing round 720 degrees in one swift mouse movement. That so unrealistic, but it seems to be what people expect these days. Guns aren't light, so moving one around isn't something that can be done in a split second. Maybe a scaled system where lighter guns have a smaller amount of this acceleration and hevier guns more so. But it should be there, having to react to not just the behaviour of the gun, but its effect on your movement (which there would be irl) is how it should be. Maybe that could also stop people using snipers in CQC instead of making non bolt action rifles have the reload time, per round, of a bolt action.
Ok my idea is that for SA they either keep or replace that zig zag motion as the zombies run towards you. The thinking is that when they just run at you in a strait line they aren't a challenging target. A good example of this is Left 4 Dead 1 and Left for Dead 2. In 1 they had the zeds just run in strait lines and players could easily make headshots. In 2 they made them run more iraticly wich made it much harder. The first thing that comes into my mind is that new stumble animation that sometimes plays as we get hit by zeds. If the zombies stumbled and got back up every now and then when chasing you it would make them harder to shoot. You could have 2 runners....you line up the headshot on 1st....but he stumbles...the re-aim time allows the 2nd to get close and maybe hit ya. This could also help the people that moan about loosing zeds, if they stumble could give you those few seconds needed to break LOS or hide in a tree.
Right, i spend a lot of time in the arma 2 editor, and while the hero skin at the moment is very cool looking....i just feel its somewhat unrealistic. As a hero player i tend to use stealth as an ally. Hiding in the bushes or trees watching things unfold and even trying to save bambis from bandits. If the zombie apocolypse ever happened, wether im friendly or not camo would be a concern....im not going to don my bright white check shirt and go try to hide in a green tree....its just common sence lol. So after a while looking trough models in the editor these would be my suggestions - Hero Skin - USMC>MenFR>team Leader - This guy looks like a survival expert, but not overly military. Green pants and shirt with a green cap. Also a toolbelt with some visable stuff. Ok its a lil wierd that you can see a waterbottle if you aint carrying one, but hey we can use our imagination....maybe heros spawn with a water bottle as a lil perk. Bandit Skin - Guerillas>Men>Rifleman He looks very Bandit-y and i think it is fair that the jeans provide a little least concealment as a sort of KOS deterent...like youl get more camo if your playing friendly than if ya charging in all the time. The main thinking is that a guy who dosent want to get into combat needs to hide more.....the bandits dont require the camo as much if they not trying to avoid people. From left to right...Bandit, Survivor, Hero
A big part of me agrees that it should reset. Like OP says its a new toon, and should be a fresh start. However....we need something to work for that's global. Something we will always have no matter how many deaths we go trough. Otherwise it would feel a little arcade-y. Its a lot esier (imo anyways) to become a bandit than a hero. So its a good way to identify the cod kids. The only problem when dealing with bigger groups is they can be bandits trough and trough....yet all have hero skin. Because they just spend 30 mins before going out letting zeds hit em and giving blood. This is something I think someone needs to come up with a solution for.
With standalone approaching.... AIRPLANES
Karmaterror replied to weparo's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Even though id miss the huey, I got to agree that its very overpowered. A small plane would be a much better option for balance, in the time it takes to spot some stashed cars, find a nice spot to land and get back there on foot. Then the people whos camp it is would have a chance.....maybe they see your plane and double back to protect there camp (which they have time to do because you carnt just vtol and be gone in 2mins). Or they could follow the direction of the plane and leave there camp in hopes of taking the plane. The people looting camps would have to think more about where to hide there plane, and plan the raid more than now, where its....see camp....tell pilot....land....loot...gone inside of 5mins (a lot less if your just destroying and moving on). So for balance a plane wins for me. One downside I see is that there would only be so many places to land a plane. People will learn where those spots very quickly and maybe just hunt for them. Played on a few servers that added the An2 and its really good fun. I once had to wave off a landing at NWA because a group was there. But I was insanely low on fuel. Ended up gliding into NEA on fumes and was literally empty when wheels touched down. Things like that really make me want a plane instead of a heli in SA :) -
Looking for a new server, Vanilla + Private Hive
Karmaterror posted a topic in New Player Discussion
Arrrggghhh, mid game the server I have been playing on for last 3 weeks goes down....20mins later pops back up as a damn Epoch server. I need a new home lol Only things I want are - Vanilla Dayz Private Hive Some regular players And...most important...one that's not going to be swapping to some other mod anytime soon Thought id post here, so any new players looking for same thing can check it out. Any suggestions? -
Ok, so heres my case as to why private hives can solve a lot of dayz issues, and problems with public hive. Iv always had a problem with the idea that you can log out and swap server to avoind something that should have happened. For me it takes a real chunk of realism away from playing, i almost stopped playing because i thought it was such an immersion breaking feature....until i discovered private hives. I know that a bunch of my buddys who play pub hive, have an awesome camp, with any gun you could think of and all they need to survive. BUT.....its on a dead, empty server. All they do is log in there, decide on wepons loadout, and go join a populated server jus to KOS. If they get in trouble in a firefight, jus log to the safe server to heal up....its so immersion breaking. Now, with a private hive. Your camp is always at risk from the server regulars. If someone did combat log, what they really gonna do....not log in for next few hours till your gone...maybe. but at least they are being punished...carnt jus server hop change pos and flank. Also on private hives I find there is less KOS. Where I play atm there is 1 largeish bandit group and 3 small 2-3 player groups. Iv seen the smaller clans allay to try and take down the bandit clan as they guard NWA. I have bumped into the smaller clans and looted round with em a bit. There just seems to be a more dynamic and constant struggle between the groups. In conclusion private hives solve a lot of issues.....combat logging - because you can jus cover where they logged from distance while a friend loots. KOS (to a degree) because people will know who you are and will let others know. Ghosting....because it just carnt be done. I know a lot of people will disagree but for me private hive is the way forward! :)
I liked this one....at least you didn't list traits you hate in the title then display them in the game :P Id like to see a story of you taking on a group alone....they are my favourite kind of encounters. I may even be guilty of opening fire a few times just because one of them had a bandit skin :)
Cars break a lot esier that Hollywood would have you believe. Those awesome jumps in films....forget about it, the simple fact is with most production cars if you get anything more that 3 feet of air, the suspension will litteraly collapse....sometimes it even sends the dampers strait up trough there mounts and can fling the bonnet open. Also small impacts can be fatal, a tiny puncture in the radiator is all it takes....all the water pisses out and the cars overheating inside of an hour....a lot less if its a bigger breech. Driving offrad in a road car can end badly in so many ways. Iv been flipped by a rock no bigger than an American football. Had suspension just collapse cos it carnt take it. Even had a rabbit put me out of a grass tracking event cos the lil shit got caught up in the air intake after a ride over the bonnet and down the bonnet vent(chicken wire over that ever since lol) I think that road cars should take gradual damage over time if they are driven offroad. Makes it more of a challenge to find a campsite and will make 4x4's more valuable.
10-15 mins would be ok for the bonnet to cool, especially outdoors in Russia :)
Lee Harvey = The governor from Walking Dead?? :P
ok, my story begins one cold night in chernarus. I log in at my camp and decide i need ammo, only 1 thing for it.....NWA. So after about 30mins of running i arrive and begin to scope the place out frm outside, all looks clear but always cautious i decide to wait a few mins. About 10 mins go by and i decide im safe to go in and head towards the north baracks. I have only been in the baracks seconds when a global convo alearts me that 2 ppl in a car may be heading my way. I quickly dart into the trees and start moving away to the north. All of a sudded a i hear a car....and im still deep inside NWA. I go to ground and stay completly still trying to locate it. A few seconds later not 1, but 2 cars fly past me....so close that i thought they were trying to run me over. But they head over to the fueltank in the nw corner. As they diembark i realize that there isnt 2 but 3 of them...and they have found a heli by the warehouses on the tarmac. I decide i need a heli so i whip out the old m24 and take aim....my 1st 2 shots miss(must have had my zeroing wrong as the crosshair was right on the guy) I quickly reposition and fire again....still no joy. Next a global message comes trough "You rly think you can take on 5 ppl"......shit! i thought there was only 3 :S. I have commited to this now so i reply "I will try:P" and on my 3rd volly get a kill. A couple more repositions and i have perfect line of sight on someone by the heli.....missed my 1st shot and the guy goes to ground and starts combat rolling....2 more missed shots. Now they return fire in my direction (fire thats suprisingly accurate frm 600m away with an lmg). So i decide to get close again and move back to my orgional position inside NWA. I take 2 more shots frm inside NWA....both miss. Then out of knowhere frm behind me is an explosion of lmg fire.....crap! iv been flanked!....only thing i could do was run like hell for the only cover i could see...the NWA wall. I take sevral hits but get away.....not in good shape now bleeding and about half blood. Decide to take the long way round the outside of NWA in hopes of finding an animal and flanking these guys. Unfortunatly i took to long and when i got there they had gone....however i had shot the glass on the heli to stop them fuelling it. So i check the warehouses and, woot!, glass. I fix MY heli and fly away. Gotta say to the guys i was shooting at you were great sports about it and that has gotta be the 1st time iv been activly chatting to the guys im having a war with Also i learned a lesson.........never trust the sights on the m24 sniper
Private Hives are the way forward?
Karmaterror replied to Karmaterror's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Most of the problems you guys are saying are in the way the servers are managed. If all servers were private hive, but the server files had to pass a check before it could go live or something, could reduce the admin abuse. It could completely stop modding of servers and clean them up. Or even just tag each public hive server and toon so it only works on that server. I know what its like for a private hive to go down. But when you have played, and survived, for weeks then its not so much the gear on you. Its the camp that you have put together. The camp could just as easily get discovered by a bandit group and be trashed. -
Iv had so many of those :)...remember one where i heard the guy creeping up to the big red door at bottom of tower....we both froze and reloaded at exactly the same time. Couldn't see eachother but we defo both heard eachother reload. Then i decided to charge out as he decided to charge in....both dead...epic fail, but big lols :)
Whats your Favourite weapon in dayZ Epoch, Overwatch or normal
Karmaterror replied to mrpower00's topic in New Player Discussion
These for vanilla, its all i play lol... VS Zeds - CCOSD or M16 ACOG VS Players - SAW / Mod 0 or M24 SAW is great vs zeds aswell tho because its audiable range is same as assault rifles (80m) :) -
Private Hives are the way forward?
Karmaterror replied to Karmaterror's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Yeah, i mean real private hives with just 1 server. Where you have to live with the consiquences of actions, and a quick name change wont fool anyone :) Another example for them being good is if you find a camp, you have to think before looting it. If you take a car, and then that group finds it at your camp theyl know it was you who took it. And then you can become a target. Sometimes its just worth noting the location and skimming ammo or food and drink every now and then. You don't get highly geared groups joining just to mess up all the camps on a server then move on. Those types have nothing invested in the long term player dynamics of surviving. -
Private Hives are the way forward?
Karmaterror replied to Karmaterror's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
My argument would be that that shouldn't even be a consideration whilst playing. If the server you chose fills up then tough luck, that's the one you chose. No magic swap to lower the player count. And most of all no spawning in in the perfect sniper spot in a full server....when you didn't have to brave the cities unarmed in said full server ;) -
Private Hives are the way forward?
Karmaterror replied to Karmaterror's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
That sounds nice....as long as waypoints are off! Waypoints completely negate the gps+rangefinders, so starting with map would be a lil OP ;)