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Everything posted by Karmaterror

  1. Karmaterror

    Buildings with Security Systems

    I like the idea of cans on strings, that should defo go in. But to me that's more something you put over the entrance of a building to let you know if you get followed in by something. I think it would be cool with alarms if mass agro came after you if it gets tripped, and every player in the city knows your there, then it would make sense to work with the guy you just bumped into to disarm it ;)
  2. Karmaterror

    Buildings with Security Systems

    Did you read the thread?....this is an example cobbled together by a survivor using a simple circuit with a car battery and the noisemaker from the alarm. Not a full house install with mains electricity.....seriously kids science sets show you how to make these type of alarm systems, I had one myself when I was younger. And the use would be to add challenge to looting a house....as I said in OP.
  3. Karmaterror

    New buildings maybe different maps map editor

    So glad to hear that community map support is planned. Iv always hoped for this as there are so many great maps out there, one of my fave ones was Celle :) As for editor, Yes we should have it....but with some heavy restrictions compared with A2 editor. So as not to turn the SA into what the mod has become, with players devided over many mods of a mod.
  4. Karmaterror

    Buildings with Security Systems

    The battery would have 0% consumption until the tripwire was tripped. Its really simple circuit goes from battery to tripwire with the noisemaker from the alarm system....but the circuit is left incomplete. Then when the tripwire is tripped that's when its completed and there would still only be a small drain on the battery until someone realised what they had done and ran to the batt and disconnected it. It would also be really easy to use IR sensors to make alarm triggers....there everywhere.....kids science sets, toys, any supermarket that has automatic doors, they also would not drain a battery. No need for generators. Origionaly I did think more large scale, but now it getting smaller batterys would do jus fine. we could even collect the bits and make stuff like these for our camps, say if you disarm one you can take some of the bits but some were broken when ya tripped/disarmed it. disarm enough you would have all the bits to make your own. Possabilities for uses are endless :) But id still have them spawn as completed systems on buildings so the challenege is there, not only for the loot in the building, but for the parts to make an alarm if that's what your scavenging for.
  5. Karmaterror

    [SA][Clothing Item] SSh-68 Russian Helmet

    Noooo that's how they fight fires........shoot at it until it goes away lol :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7skwvHTeobA
  6. Karmaterror

    Buildings with Security Systems

    If zombies are just infected humans....then they carnt really survive for more than a month without food. So dayz has to be taking place a few weeks after infection...maybe a month but not more than 2. So say it takes 2 weeks before main power fails (though im sure iv seen posts saying the power plants can go for a lot longer) Then everything switches to backup battreys. Im sure the battery could last a couple of weeks. I want more PvE risks, more things that make us team up to get access to things. Maybe a makeshift alarm, that looks more like a survivor cobbled it together. Maybe a car alarm system quickly connected to a car battery with a tripwire to activate. Bit like the flare trip wires we already have, but something that makes noise and attracts zeds big time, making disarming it the preferred option over taking your chances alone. Dissarrming it would need 1 guy at the battery and 1 at the wire. Maybe the car battery is in some junk out the back of the house....and the tell as to wether its alarmed is some wires going in trough the window.
  7. Karmaterror

    idea for make player hide in long grass

    Removing 3rd person would only help when the terrain is flat. If the guy is on the side of a hill and you are lower, then you will still see him over the grass. Im more a fan of increasing grass draw to a reasonable amount. I know 3rd person gets abused, but I don't wanna see it go. I like being able to see my toon, my new weapon or backpack. STALKER was a game that I felt was ruined by no 3rd person. I kept getting all this cool gear with no way to actually see it on my toon. Don't think making us invisible is the solution tho, a hawk eyed player should still be able to spot from distance if they get lucky :)
  8. Hey guys you all know those servers that have AI survivors and bandits roaming round. Well I would really like to try that out in some custom arma missions, just with diff units and stuff. Does anyone know the scripts used, and/or where I can get them?
  9. Karmaterror

    DayZ headshot -53k possible?

    If the server got it wrong on distance.....is it maybe possible it did a x10 on the damage numbers aswell. Like it was ment to be 50k....but that turned into 500k?? like the distance turned from 300 to 3000 Maybe was just having its time of the month.
  10. Karmaterror

    Buildings with Security Systems

    There would be some believable way they could make us have to split up to open it im sure. I did think about the power thing....if its not that long after the "event" then power should still be up to a degree. Im no expert but I think bigger security systems (like in shops/ warehouses) have backup batteries for the event of power cuts and such. There ya go....one has to cut the wire to shut off the system, and one has to cut the wire for the backup battery. If not done together one would trip the alarm :)
  11. Karmaterror

    Aim in Standalone

    I don't know why it only effects low sensitivity players....mines maxed out and I still get the effect of slowed rotation when I try to do a quick movement, so it effects high sensativily players also. I have never seen it point at the ground....no matter how fast you try to turn. I still like the idea of this system and when I tested in A3 I was kinda disappointed that its so easy to flick round....but at the same time I wouldn't have noticed at all if I hand read here and gone off to check. Maybe im the only one but I think others would want it to stay aswell. Your argument is solid, and apparently the game peeps agree, but I really don't think they should scrap this system....improve on it. Maybe a system where your rotation is slowed after a specific amount of degrees turned. Like...you can tun 90 no prob....but after 90 its 10%slower to allow for footwork required to make the turn. Then once you hit or pass 110 or something its quicker again for the next 90. That would give a snappy feel but a feeling of slowing, twice (or 3 times) every 360 to adjust your footing.
  12. That was cool....ok so its not dayz :P, but was still cool. You would really love normal arma2 for stuff like this, CTI is good for clan vs clan stuff if you can find a group to play against. And ofc the editor you can knock up great pvp situations in a couple of hours. Also how the hell did those guys survive the rocket hits.....they were right in the blast radius....carnt believe they lived (the 2 running round the house I mean). Im used to ace...where ya get screwed over if ya even stand in front of a firing tank lol
  13. Karmaterror

    In game alias?

    I use my real name in dayz, Matt. I think it comes from arma2 where me and my mates just used our real names for ease. Never got round to changing it.....most other games, and steam, im still Karmaterror. Having Matt as a name is a bit of a pain though....theres a lot Matts out there. One of my buddies once started chatting to a matt that joined our server....they guy strung him along that he was me and killed him lol
  14. Karmaterror

    Dayz not loading, and or Combined Operations

    Did you start each game (arma2 and arrowhead) individually before starting dayz, you have to do this to create some files needed for dayz to work. Using dayz commander? Heres my foolproof way of getting it to work..... Install Arma 2 and run to main menu... Install operation arrowhead and run to main menu...(carry on with any other DLC you got) Download and install dayz commander... Go to install/Update tab... Here first make sure your beta is up to date... Then install latest version of dayz from this tab... Find a server and enjoy :)
  15. Karmaterror

    Not signed by a key accepted by this server?

    Isnt this a mod problem. Have you installed any mods to your arma 2?? By default the addons folder should be empty, its where you place any mod files except if you manage mods trough mod folders for example @dayz. Any mod you have in addons folder has to have a signature file on the server you are trying to join. No signature it wont let you in. I always have that message when iv been editing in arma 2 and forget to remove mods from my addons folder before I launch dayz. Hope this helps.
  16. Karmaterror

    Arma 2 missing!

    Like steak said you may not be showing all games in library, can you see other games that you don't have installed, but own? If it has just disappeared, I think your best to open a steam ticket about it.
  17. Karmaterror

    Imitating zombie walking.

    I don't know if it would work but maybe if you hit the key to imitate it does "this setcaptive 1" so things wont attack. Then if you get too close to a zombie sets it back to 0. There would be a lot more to the actual script, like identifying range for when it triggers the swap back to 0, but I got a feeling its doable ;) I wish I could script, but it all confuses me so much. I can see what a script does by opening it up, but to write one from scratch.....id be getting syntax wrong all over the place. I wrote a rly simple one once for a halo jump.....didn't work. 6 hours later a guy at armaholic tells me I missed 1 comma and that was the problem lol
  18. Karmaterror

    A few SA Suggestions!

    I like the anxiety thing, it would have to be carefully thought out though. Some sort of short term negative effect (maybe shaking+heavy breathing for a few mins after you kill. The more you kill the less it happens, until your a stone cold killer and not effected atall. The more humanity you have the greater the effect, the less humanity the less. And it would have to be a delayed thing for 2 reasons I can think of....1 if you kill someone you carnt just immidiatly start shaking, there could be more than 1 target. 2 adrenaline would delay the effects, its only when your out of combat, and start to reflect, that they start to take effect. Adds maybe a little more immersion, and more value to wether you play hero or bandit. Obviously there would have to be a positive effect for heros to balance this out. As all the bandits would be able to kill and move on to another target quickly. Maybe heros can blood bag quicker as they are more used to doing it. Bandits take longer, so if a hero is shakey from the fight, but he wounded the bandit, the time it takes the bandit to receive blood is comparable to the time it takes the hero to stop shaking. Cooking is good, but maybe not on household stoves. I doubt the gas companies are still supplying in the apocalypse :P. Maybe if we find little camping stoves to heat tinned food, and eating it hot would also remove low temperature. Gun Jams.....YES! make the bandit panic for a change when he misses 1st shot then jams up, and you run to flank him :D Ya can knock people out already, im not sure if we can take there primary weapon tho, that could be a good addition.
  19. Karmaterror

    fuel + match + house = player BBQ revenge fire

    Awww no more knocking down the church with smoke grenades :( Good idea though, setting stuff on fire could be used for a lot of things. Leaving a fake trail, setting an ambush, denying people loot.
  20. Karmaterror

    Respawn Timer

    How about you just carnt respawn in that server for 5-10 mins. You can go get started on a different one but not stay there for instant revenge, or to loot your own body....maybe delete corpses arter the same amount of time?
  21. Karmaterror

    Aim in Standalone

    Man...I am an experienced pc player.....does 16 years of pc gaming and rigs as far back as win 3.1 (hell iv even still got my old einstien) qualify me?? Your missing my point, your suggestion is in essence dumming down the sim so that people used to a completely synthetic feel will be at home. It strives for realism so anything adding to it should stay. What you are saying is that you want it to behave the same way every time....so you can use muscle memory. The simple fact is if you stay composed and move the mouse at a reasonable speed this hardly effects your aiming....if you panic and try to do a twitch shot you will fail. I think that's what the game is trying to accomplish with this mechanic, remain calm and composed during combat.
  22. Karmaterror

    Auto-run button.

    Did this ages ago, we need an auto walk! Its transforming the game to sort of an RPG. Any good rpg has an auto walk key. If you didn't want to use it we aren't going to put a gun to your head and say "use auto walk now or im sending you back to the coast life!". Has anyone ever heard of RSI (repetitive strain injury), im on the game to enjoy myself....not possably damage myself trough excessively holding down W for what is sometimes an age. And like I say if you wanna, you can. Me....il hope for auto, if not il be using steam overlay method ;)
  23. Karmaterror

    Imitating zombie walking.

    not to be a buzz kill but im sure this has been suggested before. Either way im all for it, my main way of spotting a player amoungst zeds is the way they move. If we could imitate a zombie we could blend better. OK so its a risk....your moving slowly and an easy target. But it may just save your life if a sniper scans the town too quickly and writes you off as a zed. Someone said about backpacks, I got an idea on this. Theres gonna be a lot of cloaths in SA right, so lets clad the zombies in the same sorta stuff we will be wearing. Then blending from a distance would be much esier. Maybe have some zeds carrying a pack to add to the confusion, the only real tell would be the rifle. But if we can pack that up int our packs.....man its got so many ways it could go right.....and so many ways it could go wrong :D As for the sight smell thing, could we not rip off the walking dead a little (and I know this has been suggested before). But gutting a zombie and smearing some on you to mask yourself. It could even cause cloathing damage (unless you have some plastic sheeting or w/e to protect your cloaths). Dunno if wel see it in the first alpha but should defo be added later on :D
  24. Karmaterror

    Aim in Standalone

    Alt will move ya gun when scoped without moving the body, its just a limited cone of vision that you can move within. If neg mouse accel dosent effect that then I would say the engine has perfect balance, when not aiming you will turn slower, when aiming you can have your snappy movements by using alt. It is not realistic to be able to spin a gun around even just 180 as fast as we can on common fps games. I really like this feature of the arma engine....even though I will admit I only learnt about it today, from this topic. But after going in game and seeing whats going on I gotta say I think most shooters should have this added as a feature. Adds to immersion, and lets not forget arma/daayz are tactical games. Each ambush should be planned and thought out so that snappy movements aren't required. But what if I get snuck up on and want to spin round in a split second to pop the guy behind me.....that is as far from reality as possible. If someone sneaks up on you it is going to take longer that 1 sec to level the gun at them. This isn't a "for the masses" easy to pick up and use FPS. Its a simulator, and I strongly feel this feature should stay :P
  25. Karmaterror

    Wiping wounds stops infection?

    Aha brilliant, thanks for the info. I finally feel like im 100% up to speed on the new patch :)