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Everything posted by Karmaterror

  1. Karmaterror

    Game is making strides.

    Its called a melee weapon, silent and deadly ;) Yes people will kill over a vehicle.....but they kill for gear or just laughs atm. At least the vehicles distract them for a while so they aren't just KoSing. That's what its all about we need festures....things to do besides shootng....vehicles is a big step forward for that IMO.
  2. Karmaterror

    some geography/map ideas

    Islans...yes River...yes A massive city....nope The reasons for no big city are... The ones we have are perfect in size,. the arma 2 and by extension dayz maps seem to have the feel nailed for the setting they going for, imo a big contributing factor to the mods success. Also as mentioned the wilderness is shrinking very patch....id acvocate removing some towns even at this stage. Maybe if they ditched a few of the old a2 towns it would make the map feel bigger again. I really hate the way I can almost see the next town from the one im standing in.
  3. Karmaterror

    To the 'LOST' clan

    I am a clan of one at the mo.....one guy....one gun....one chambered round....but I pledge what little I have to assist in taking these guys down :D
  4. Karmaterror

    V35 truck vanish after a server reset.

    They don't persist, they will vanish and be respawned on one of many locations when the server restarts ;)
  5. Karmaterror

    Whats your gear run

    Accept your spawn... Decide where you wanna hit... And get there quickly.. That's pretty much my motto for mill gearing. Within a few seconds of spawning iv chosen my goal....whatever mill base that may be...and I don't let smaller towns distract me. All you need from fresh spawn to make it acros the map is a small checklist.. 4 tinned food 1 trip to a water source That's it...once you have that make your way for the mill base in treelines avoiding small towns. PS up and down west side is where you wanna be for mill stuff. You can run up and down hitting a big row of places... South mill base above kamenka Then jail and barracks in Zelengorsk Then tent city if you follow the dirt road that leads west just after that Then on to NWA.... Then back down again. One run up last night hitting those spots got me full gorka, makrov with 4 mags, tac vest and an ak with 1 mag and 60 spare rounds :)
  6. Karmaterror

    Improvement Ideas: Amputation and Medicine

    I say yes.....the real problem isn't the amputation mechanic, but players reactions to it. Only peple playing for immersion are going to continue in that kind of state. The stamina system could make this much more viable though. If you had spent a few nights getting west, and knew you had no chance of getting back to your gear then you may elect to play on. If there were death timers like die and you cannot play for 30mins then people may play on and suicide at the end of the night for a fresh spawn next day. So yeah I could see it working its just a case of making playing on more preferable to starting over (could these "soft skills" achieve this maybe :) Liked all the medical stuff, dunno if that's what the devs are after but the did say there will be more infections and stuff. I think little things like a headache though you would just push through. If a headache is really debilitating I don't see that person being cut out to survive in the apocalypse :) PS suggestion section ;) ....sry to be that guy lol
  7. Karmaterror

    Cant i have a bowl of cereal!

    Me!....I knew how valuable they would be in the apocalypse so that's all I stacked my emergency bunker with.....looking at all these spoons in making me hungry though....maybe next time some food would be a good idea :)
  8. Karmaterror

    To the 'LOST' clan

    This thread should be called "building an army" lol Will b hilarious when they run into a massssssive group of armed players. You guys should freign a firefight somewhere, post lookouts and when they try to drop in, suddenly you all turn on them :D
  9. Karmaterror

    Game is making strides.

    How is adding a silencer going to help with KoS, its going to be a tool for it not against. The zombies are nowhere near as bad now, they obey most walls and doors, haven't seen one run through a wall in weeks. Regularly lock doors to stop them following me or just trap them in a house and run. Sounds...not that its impossible.....just now is the time to add not fix. Fixes come closer to full release when everything that needs fixing is in. They could fix the sound bug now....then basebilding could break the fix. Why not wait till its all in and fix it then. Trucks actually helps against PvP...those guys that used to log in and go strait for a costal city now have another objective...something else to do....even if it takes them just an hour to get it that's an hour less of them sniping bambies on the coast. Then when they do head down there to go yolo, they are announcing themselves from miles away with the engine noise, that gives the babie the chance to hide, or prepare to shoot if armed.
  10. Karmaterror

    Arm fatigue

    might be cool if this cold be negated by lying prone...as in elbows could rest on the floor :)
  11. Karmaterror

    .51 Issues

    Out of interest whats your Scene complexity set at? It looks too me like you have the distant LODs on those buildings. Saw a vid that showed anything below 500000 complexity could cause things like this. EDIT - an after thought, we have the map in our game files so it cant be that. But could it possibly be (because you get lag whn it happens) that the server isn't updating properly and thinks you are still far enough away for distant lods....or is that all clientside?
  12. Karmaterror

    Todays Maintance

    I hope its just you....just got an ak mag for my private hive toon coupe days ago! :( Sorry to say but I think its just you, did a check and my pub and private guys are still there
  13. Same as you, not after argument jus my opinion on some of your points, refreshing to see someone making effort to explain why they feel that way....instead of just yelling "its the same" or "its broken", have some beans. PS anything I didn't write next to I think you have valid point, like the inv system being very, VERY similar, but there is a new UI on the horizon I hear.....maybe it was another "placeholder" lol :)
  14. Karmaterror

    Is there a roadmap for the game?

    It wasn't to upgrade them hehe, just that like fridges and ovens in houses would act as storage. You spot on about the plans changing. I think I remember dean saying that they were expecting around 200,000 sales. So when it sold a million in one month that roadmap was rethought. Everyone has been talking about the new renderer for months, notice how theres no mention of it on the 2014 roadmap. That was written before those sales, so they decided to go deeper on core engine work :)
  15. Karmaterror

    Game is making strides.

    It seems its become fashionable to hate on dayz these dayz. Its refreshing to see someone who is willing to keep an open mind and recognise progress :)
  16. Karmaterror

    When will SA allow Custom Scripts?

    Give us the face system from A2 for all cloths items so if we download a workshop skin for say a woollen coat everyone can see our cool new texture :) Or control modding another way....you guys release an editor that will only let us mod the way you want us too :)
  17. Iv coe to the conclusion you have no idea what your talking about....or theres a language barrier. Its been explained in so many ways, yet you still just repeat it over and over with no evidence to back it up. You implied you have some experience with games, yet you haven't use one piece of proper terminology (could just be a language barrier thing). Before I give up on you forever just something to think about. How many square feet of space are there inside each house? Then imagine how many buildings you couldn't go inside in the mod and now can in SA. Personally it wouldn't supprise me if we got 3 new cod maps worth of new walkable space on SA;s map. Not to mention the complete removal of the dam, construction of brand new locations ect.
  18. Karmaterror

    Chapaevsk military loot spawns suck

    You are shooting yourself in the foot though. Think (wit timers and looting time) how many hops could you doo in 15 mins? 4 maybe If you just spend that time running to a mill base and back you will get your gar much quicker. But yeah don't see a lot of mosins in mill bases...I did see one of each ak in a barracks yesterday though....took me ages to decide lol. Its kind of a false economy to hop. If everyone else was jumping off a skyscraper....would you? :P
  19. Karmaterror

    Arm fatigue

    Made this suggestion a while ago so im 100% in agreement. It just makes sense :)
  20. Karmaterror

    In game Competition

    The idea is they use the global loot economy system to spawn 10 "wrap part passes" throughout the pub hive a month b4 they do the wrap party. The if you find one ingame, and log out strait away there will be a claim prixe button and you win a flight out, couple nights accomidation and an invite to the party. Just thought it could be a cool way to end the dev process, and give some lucky players the chance to meet dean and the team :)
  21. Karmaterror

    In game Competition

    Haha I assumed he would show seen as it was his brainchild :)
  22. Karmaterror

    constant shaking

    Tried a relog? They are the proverbial "turn you router off for 10 seconds then turn it back on please" of dayz :)
  23. Karmaterror

    Private Hive Server needed

    Try searching "roma" Then try out Silent Romas World 1pp only, no persistence, good restart warnings :)
  24. OK so the idea is to just come up with any ways you can for the devs to phase out ststus messages, having the character relay the information visually or through sounds. Some of my ideas on this are Fractures - If leg...limp If arm -One arm hangs down and you cannot draw a rifle just a pistol Any action involving said arm/leg gives some grunts of pain. Weather - Pretty simple, if its cold foggy breath, warm no foggy breath Cold - Foggy breath starts small and gets larger all the way up to full as you get colder Char shivers (visually and audiably) Hot - Out of breath sounds linger much longer when you stop running, or a mild version could develop even if you were stationary as you are overheating Cloths becoming damp for no reason (sweating) Maybe in extreems passing out unconscious Hunger - Stomach grumbles getting louder and longer grumbles the more hungry you are Maybe yur toon rubs his stomach once every few mins This should also lead to passing out....eventually Thirst - This is one of the harder ones for me....I cant think of any audio or visual ques that you are thirsty Maybe dry mouth sounds then doubling over clutching stomach every few mins as it gets worse Also think at extreme dehydration we should start to pass out So what are your ideas on this, ways your char can tell you how s/he is feeling without text prompts :)
  25. Karmaterror

    Bloom setting in .cfg

    Would changing bloom from 1 to 0 help framerate at all, or is that just the same as having the slider bottomed out? Trying to get it playable on a friends PC