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Everything posted by Karmaterror
Why Mouse Acceleration in First Person desperately needs Fixing #2 *Long Post*
Karmaterror replied to 27 others's topic in General Discussion
It is exactly the same principle....you hit a certain speed....you hit a restriction. Weather that restriction slows or caps you is irrelivent....its the same principal. All it will do is remove the punishment for choppy movements. 1:1 is more natural and realistic.....what?!?!? thats a delusional statement lol. I want vid evidence of you turning like a ego shooter....nope....thats because its completely unrealistic....just what people have been spoon fed. Accelerations apply when you exceed a certain speed....they are in no way arbitary. Panic dosent work like that? really.....so a paniced guy swinging his gun round like a maniac will be more effective that someone moving in a controlled manor who can pretty much fire as soon as they see you due to being in control of there weapon. -
Why Mouse Acceleration in First Person desperately needs Fixing #2 *Long Post*
Karmaterror replied to 27 others's topic in General Discussion
First sentance.....take your own advice and READ....i never said you want 1:1 Lets see a vid of this experiment....all we have is your word that you can 360 to stable position in less that 1.5 secs (about how long it takes in A2 engine) And here we have the main problem...."i dont want to adapt". You have not got anywhere near the best out of this system yet as your posted results show. You just want to call it broken and have a fix that does almost the same thing with a less severe punishment. Show me a tennis player with a fully loaded backpack, and something that weighs as much as a long rifle in there hands. Not to mention they all wear shorts as to not restrict movement....in dayz you got loaded bag, pants, holsters, tac vests.....you cannot compare the 2. -
Why Mouse Acceleration in First Person desperately needs Fixing #2 *Long Post*
Karmaterror replied to 27 others's topic in General Discussion
First why quote the first bit and not my explination.....1:1 is bad because.... 1) its unrealistic....completely and utterly 2)If you implement 1:1..... then restrict max turn speed..... you are doing exactly what negg accel does, except removing the punishment, and replacing with a less punishing method.....eg just making it easy as hell, or dumming it down. 3)it had nothing to do with the animations.....its the speed at which they rotate. And its not broken at all....its different.....outside peoples comfort zones, and thats what dayz does in every respect....takes gamers out of there comfort zones and make them ADAPT. EDIT - If so many played the mod without issue.....and many clans still enjoy competitive A2, then your argument that its broken is invalid.....its simply down to how you are miss using or miss understanding the system. Also arguing the other side of a point is not in any way pooping on your thread.....its in fact what you create a thread for in the first place. What, did you think everyone would just agree with you? -
You carnt put hackers into the same bracket as 3rd users, 3rd using something that has been a built in game feature from day 1 to those who go and download a 3d party appplication for hacks with the only purpose of gaining a massive advantage (like waaaay more than anything 3rd gives you). Theres a big difference in taking a peek round a wall you are behind....and looking at electro from sniper hill and seeing some green boxes move around showing exactly where players are. The only reason for now that hackers prefer 3rd (as you said) is because the servers are full. If first populates then you could have he exact same thing. My main point was that if you always play in 1st regardless.....then your gameplay will only become easier on a 1st only server. As in not having to deal with "peekers". But because I enjoy 3rd a lot I do have to put up with them, but im not going to run to a 1st only, im going to try harder, play better, eventually overcome the challenge.....not just bypass it. I see what you mean, you arent calling us all scum, just those who exploit and hack,and i agree. I also am not against 1st servers, I think having both is great and caters for a wider playerbase. Also it could bring in people from different gaming backgrounds, eg FPS players RPG players ect ect. That was one of the things i loved about the mod....it didnt matter what type of game style you were used to....It brought 3rd and 1st players together.....RPGers and FPSers together in an engine where they could all play how they liked. PS dont worry i been around a while, im used to reading your posts, i think i usually get the idea :) EDIT - oh and much better on the emotes....no warnings this time lol
I watched some livestream for that hunter game....looks like it would be great fun to acctually play, but from a spectator point of view it was a bit boring lol. The graphics look good, but for meits all about composition (like how its put together) BI are excellent at creating maps, they always immerse me and look so realistic. Sure other games have the scale, but the look of BI's maps is just so spot on. Gonna give it a try though while i wait for dayz patch to go public :)
Dude you are always saying it lol, Stuff like other day when you say people with small balls play 3rd servers and people with big play 1st (btw thats wrong.....people on first have such small balls that they have to run to a server without 3rd.....because they scared of it :P) Or calling the 3rd playerbase scum is basically suggesting that you are above them.....carnt you see that? I would dredge up some more quotes but your profile seems to only show your last few posts None of what you are saying about it being exploited is that wrong (appart from that irl i could show only an inch of my face, that noone could spot....on games you have to crouch or lean exposing an un realistic ammount of your body just to see, and thats what 3rd compensates for). But you are still making it easier.....by all rights 3rd on should be called hard mode and 1st called easy (hard to be spotted) mode :) PS stop using so many emotes lol.....i couldnt qoute you cos yours + mine = too many lol
KoS....arent you making the game easier for yourself by removing the possibility that someone can peek and see you? Then call yourself elite or pro or whatever, for removing something that would make your experience a greater challenge? Like i say, ego maniacs run to 1st only servers where they can fap about how hardcore they are.....while they just removed a big challenge from the game......and made it harder for there opponents to spot them....the real elite players take down 3rd users and there wall hacks while in 1st! :)
This sounds great, but i think it would be damn hard to do. Its not so much about a generator triggering a light source, its more how many static lights there would be. I find cities lag a lot in the A2 editor with a lot of static lights. I think more PvE is the way, give us enemies we carnt handle alone (and no not super hulk, l4d tank zombie lol) but some predetor animals, or heavily armoured zombies :)
Well as it stands i think its there untill the owner dies. Once you die if its not used for 7 days it gets cleaned up. Everything like stashes, tents, wire, sandbags is all persistant over restarts :) PS, with tents bieng so rare in the mod now, blowing the wheels of a car at your prefered campsite can be a better option :)
Seperates the "elite" does it lol. Nah its for people that think very single player on 3pp:on servers is peeking. And they just carnt deal with it, they have to cry and moan till they get 1st only servers. Then that isnt enough for some. They then want 3rd gone from the whole game because they got noone to play with. And really....."strong and silent"......is that why we have threads full of remove 3rd person. As another poster said MAN UP....deal with it. Really the players going up against 3rd users in 1st are the real hardcore players :)
Hey OP, i can relate to what you said, and trust me it was the same early on in the mod days for me. I spend ages gearing up or meeting a friend, only to be shot dead by the fit person i saw. Its very dissapointing, and i found myself sat there thinking "what was the point". The i found out about tents, they give a purpose to looting, and a safety net when you die. The first thing i try to do n a new mod server now is get a tent up. Then i am "established" on that sever. I even stow my rifle (even i its the only one i got) and go out to look for another feeling safe that if i die i have spare gun with some food drink and hunting gear stashed away. When basebuilding comes along you will have much more to do and ways to make death less painfull. Like instead of spawning in a city, you could spawn in a lowwer traffic area that was near your camp :)
Regular / Hardcore separate chars (test servers)
Karmaterror replied to twingunz's topic in General Discussion
Well im still on my 2nd toon, hes been alive or good while, and in 30 hours with him iv seen a whole 2 can openers lol. My first was given to me by a friend lol. Never seen a mosin, or even a scope for my m4. I do try to avoid high traffic areas though.pay to survive so a moson isnt a high priority, but because i aint seen one yet i know il get that feeling of accomplishment when i do :) PS thats all on normal 3pp on servers :) -
What the hell is wrong with people?
Karmaterror replied to teamkiller2k13's topic in General Discussion
Firestations = high traffic areas, and the most likely place to find bandits looking for fresh spawns. Soon as you spawn run for the treeline.....head anywhere except a major city (unless a gunfight is what you want) and always check the place properly from the treeline before you head in :) -
Why Mouse Acceleration in First Person desperately needs Fixing #2 *Long Post*
Karmaterror replied to 27 others's topic in General Discussion
You missunderstand me, im saying that if you implement 1:1....then restrict it....it will be almost the same as negg accell....in as much as when you attempt to move very quickly the cap will hit, ok so it wont slow you down as much, but will still feel odd compared to generic 1:1. If thats gonna be the case why not just stick with negg accell. And that vid in mercules post illustrates exactly why 1:1 is bad. Really its that that has no place in computer games, if you want anything bordering on realism. IMO dumming down a feature to appeal to the masses isnt what dayz is about. -
Why Mouse Acceleration in First Person desperately needs Fixing #2 *Long Post*
Karmaterror replied to 27 others's topic in General Discussion
Because I know that most people hate it when they first try it, but most, over time come to like it. There has already been complaints about the new Arma 3 system, and how it feels gamey or un-immersive. Many hours of competitive A2 showed me the value of it and I would like to see it stay. If you limit the speed of raw input then it will still feel arkward, as it still wont respond to a quick movement. This way just punishes the player more for loosing there cool, and I think thats what most people dont like. They dont like that its not easy, like every other game, and taking aim actually requires some thought and skill....not just raw 1:1 point and click. -
Im sure in the mod that if you shot a CS zombie with a helmet sometimes they didnt go down. Sometimes it took a second shot, dunno if that was because of the helmet but I would expect it to either carry over if it was. Or (because player helmets seem to work) I would expect military zeds ones too aswell :) Also wonder why the military zeds are spawning in cities lol
Nights simply too dark. Like walking on the dark side of the moon.
Karmaterror replied to Cydone's topic in General Discussion
Well last year....in England....Summer was on a Tuesday.....I think I saw a star that night lol :) -
Why Mouse Acceleration in First Person desperately needs Fixing #2 *Long Post*
Karmaterror replied to 27 others's topic in General Discussion
It does give a speed increase....as you will not be slowed when accelerating. That means you can get from point A to point B on the mouse pad quicker. Thats what allows for twitch shots, something this system nullifies completely. If this game started to feel like CS I would be very sad, raw 1:1 input is just inside peoples cumfort zones. Ask them to learn a new system that will punish them for making choppy unrealistic movements and they dont like it :) -
Nights simply too dark. Like walking on the dark side of the moon.
Karmaterror replied to Cydone's topic in General Discussion
Its not that its unrealistic that people gamma cheat....its because it is. Too many games depict night as easy to see in, when it really isnt. Yes on the rare occasion the cloud clears, and if its the right time of month then you can see reasonably well. But lets not forget this game is in Europe....lots of overcast nights where hardly any moonlight gets through. RV engine takes into account lunar cycle and with date settings you could lock it to full moon nights. But even now if the cloud clears and the moon is high, then it just looks like with gamma and brightness up.I would be curious to know if server date is set to realtime or locked atm. If its realtime we should see brighter nights at the right times of the month :) -
Why Mouse Acceleration in First Person desperately needs Fixing #2 *Long Post*
Karmaterror replied to 27 others's topic in General Discussion
You are still doing something wrong lol. I have a very small mouse mat (to fit on the arm of my couch) and thats enough to spin well over 360 in one controlled smooth motion. If I move to fast I get less than 30 degrees of turn though, thats how big the difference can be just on mouse movement speed. I dont think there should be options to have it off, that would defeat the whole purpose of it being there. And most people would turn it off for the clear advantages :) -
I think thats where this network bubble thing comes in. I think of it as a prototype of the system, and hopefully they will refine it over time. Once its finished it wouldnt surprise me if BI started to use it (or something very similar) in future games to help server performance :)
Personally I love the RV engine. Maybe that's from a lot of competitive A2 hours before I asked a friend...."what the hell are all these "dayz" servers that I carnt join?". Ever since then I was 50/50 A2 and dayz. Most people find the engine difficult to begin with, but when you begin to understand some features it begins o feel less clunky and more immersive. I would class it as an MMO.....the only "typical" MMO I play is Star Trek Online (STO). Now using that as a baseline....ok so I interact with a lot of players, but due to the instances, never more than 100 at a time. Now tell me how dayz servers are so different to instances. If they hit there intended cap of 100 then its just the same. except once I load into an instance once on dayz, I have the entire game world at my disposal, not just the section I loaded, as in other MMO. For your things that don't work.....il give you ladders lol, always been buggy. Stairs iv never had a problem with, and I think a lot of the problems people are having are with the newly placed buildings. Those will probably be adjusted as the alpha goes on. General interaction seems fine, and stuff dosent have to be scripted anymore. That was one of the key points of the SA. In the mod everything was handled by scripts, but now, from what iv read everything will be done serverside, and script injection will be locked down. That's one of the key ways to fight hackers aswell. Collision Detection, you mean zeds running trough walls? If so that's already been stated as not a problem with collision, but with the areas on the floor that define where zeds can run. I think back to hammer and creating a nev-mesh.... and those levels were small... imagine making one for Chernarus lol. What are we now....2months? into the alpha....with a projected period of 1.5-2 years. Have some patience, Rome wasn't built in a day...or 2 months lol :)
Right now im crawling trough the woods with a broken leg miles from anywhere I could possably find morphine...so as you can imagine I have a lot of time to idly ponder things as I slowly crawl to my inevitable death. One of these things is, the hit that broke my legs also gave me an infection. I got the message saying I had 15mins to cure it or I would start to loose blood. When I opened up my inv to bandage I saw that I had a wipe....so to hell with it, I thought...may aswell use it. So I wiped the wound, bandaged up, and crawled off to cook some meat. Now since that happened iv visited a deerstand and crawled the best part of 1000m towards possible morphine. Its been well over 15mins and im not loosing blood. So do the wipes stop infection there and then, or delay it?
Why Mouse Acceleration in First Person desperately needs Fixing #2 *Long Post*
Karmaterror replied to 27 others's topic in General Discussion
That your oppinion, and you are entitled to it. However the controller statement isnt true. You can turn just as fast as in any other fps game (to a point) if you just control your movements. To me this adds a layer of immersion. Stay controlled and calm and you will have responsive input, freak out and try to make an un-controlled movement and you will be punished. I honestly think that people are just not trying to play with the system as intended. They make choppy movements and blame the game instead of themselfs. Get to grips with this feature, and you will see its benefit. It reflects life.....controlled movement is accurate, where as rushed movement is anaccurate and often sloppy. Ever heard of the phrase "a rush job" generally its a negative phrase for things done to quickly and not as well as you intended........welcome to negg mouse accel :D -
Official terrain and object creation support forum on BIS site?
Karmaterror replied to daringd's topic in General Discussion
Thats fine by me lol, carnt wait to get exploring that map with some Sec Opps missions :D Planning on support for ambient civs?